[Nfb-history] NFB Songs

Mike Freeman k7uij at panix.com
Sat Aug 11 15:45:48 UTC 2012



First, you can purchase NFB songbooks from the Independence Market. I
realize that this isn't probably what you want but the recordings of NFB
songs weren't done by the National Office (I am aware of recordings done by
the Sligo Creek chapter of the NFB of MD in the late 1990's or early 2000's
and a recording done by the Pennsylvania affiliate in the late 1970's) so
there isn't an easy way to get those on-line.


Second, Ralph Sanders is one of those people whom both NFB and ACB would
rather forget. Put bluntly, he is persona non grata in our organization so I
suspect that putting his one presidential magnum opus on-line wasn't judged
to be of high priority by the tenBroek library. (grin) The speech really
wasn't that great anyway.


Mike Freeman



From: nfb-history-bounces at nfbnet.org [mailto:nfb-history-bounces at nfbnet.org]
On Behalf Of Jeff
Sent: Friday, August 10, 2012 11:19 AM
To: nfb-history at nfbnet.org
Subject: [Nfb-history] NFB Songs


Hi!  Does anybody know how to find NFB songs online. I found some songs of
the NFB on a couple editions of the braille monitor for July 2007 and
august/september 2007. I wish there was an online version of the Ralph
Sanders speech from 1978.  Somebody said a couple days ago that they have a
record of the speech, but I'm more into listening to speeches online.  Also
There are 26 keneth jernigan speeches and 17 Jacobus Tenbroek speeches on
the nfb.org website, but are there going to be any more.




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