[Nfb-idaho] Fw: [NFBAffiliatePresidents] Meet the Blind Month Announcement andMaterials

Ramona Walhof ramona.walhof at gmail.com
Tue Aug 7 18:53:09 UTC 2012

This is great information about Meet the Blind Month.  I don't know how many 
of you have received it, so here it is.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Ewell, Jason" <JEwell at nfb.org>
To: <nfbaffiliatepresidents at nfbnet.org>; <chapter-presidents at nfbnet.org>
Cc: "Baugh, Mika" <MBaugh at nfb.org>
Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2012 10:08 AM
Subject: [NFBAffiliatePresidents] Meet the Blind Month Announcement 


The following announcement about Meet the Blind Month and the included 
attachments come from Mika Baugh of our Jernigan Institute.

Jason Ewell


Dear Federationists:

            As you are aware, Meet the Blind Month is around the corner. As 
we begin to plan events, it is important to remember the purpose of this 
month: to increase awareness of and support for the National Federation of 
the Blind. This year we will be implementing two challenges. The first 
challenge is to come up with an innovative and unique event to promote the 
NFB in the local community. The second challenge is designed for those 
affiliates who did not host an event last year. Each event hosted by one of 
these affiliates will earn one entry into a drawing for a prize. These 
challenges are meant to be fun. The top events will be voted on in the first 
weeks of November by anyone who wishes to participate. Voting will take 
place on the Meet the Blind Month Homepage and over the phone. The ideal 
events should not consist solely of passing out literature or tabling, 
however this does not mean these events should be excluded from the regular 
Meet the Blind Month activities. Please read the attached campaign 
guidelines document for further information about the challenges

            There are many resources available, which can be found on the 
Meet the Blind Month Homepage 
www.nfb.org/meettheblindmonth<http://www.nfb.org/meettheblindmonth>  as well 
as attached to this email. These resources include the campaign guidelines, 
event submission form, two sample proclamations, a form to order materials 
from the Independence Market, a t-shirt order form, and the Meet the Blind 
Month events calendar.

            It is important that all scheduled events are reported to me by 
e-mail, mbaugh at nfb.org<mailto:mbaugh at nfb.org>, or phone, (410) 659-9314, 
extension 2371 ahead of time to ensure the event is listed on the Meet the 
Blind Month Event Calendar. This will allow individuals to learn of local 
Meet the Blind Month activities and provide them with enough time to plan to 

            If you have any questions about Meet the Blind Month please 
contact me by e-mail, mbaugh at nfb.org<mailto:mbaugh at nfb.org>, or phone, (410) 
659-9314, extension 2371. I know Meet the Blind Month is going to be great 
this year!

Mika Baugh


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