[Nfb-krafters-korner] Tanya's Double Ewrap bind Off Instructions From Last Night's Chat April 23, 2011

Carolyn Ranker csranker at cox.net
Tue Apr 24 13:53:54 UTC 2012

Tanya’s Double Ewrap Bind Off Instructions

This corresponds with the double Ewrap cast on method.
Make sure the working yarn covers an area of 2 and a half times the knitted area.
Note.:  I wrap the yarn around the loom 2 and a half times).
cut yarn.

Put working yarn on a darning needle.
You’re coming from underneath the stitches from the groove or front of the loom for each stitch.
Take your needle and start at peg one at the bottom of each stitch.
Come up from the bottom and insert needle through the last stitch you just knitted where your working yarn sits.
Pull working yarn through the last stich bottom up.

Repeat this on the same peg by bringing yarn up through the stitch you just knitted again from the bottom up.
You’re pulling the yarn through twice on every stitch.
go to peg 2 or the one before the last one you knitted off and pull yarn through.
You’ll do that again, making sure you’ve gone from the bottom up twice.
Do each previous peg you’ve knitted twice.
Make sure the loops are kept on each peg as you go.

On the last peg, bring yarn from bottom up but leave a bit of a loop.
Pull yarn through that loop which makes a knot in the stitch to hold it in place as a finishing stitch.
Then pop the loops off the pegs.
If you have questions, contact Tanya for more details.

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