[Nfb-krafters-korner] OT Help please

blindhands at aol.com blindhands at aol.com
Tue Aug 23 21:52:03 UTC 2016

Can someone advise me on how to and  which one to use?

I am trying to figure out how to send packages and print my own postage
labels to save money and be able to know what the price is.  Now I have been
over to Stamps.com and they talk about charging $15.99 per month and they
give you a 5 pound scale.  I have an 11 pound talking scale, but I was
thinking more like occasionally using something like this as I am just
beginning and not sure of the need for this.  They have a free 4 week trial
and give you $5 credit on stamps that need to be used within the 4 week

Pitney Bowes has a trial deal for 90 days and they have a choice.  If you
want to go with all the carriers and be able to compare prices and use
whichever it is $25 per month.  If you want to go with just one then it is
$15.  Their choices are UPS, USPS,Fedex,and I think 2 others or with the
above you pick just 1 of them.

I need to check the USPS websiteto see if they have it online, but does
anyone use this and I really didn't think they charged a monthly fee.

Help please advise me.


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