[NFB-Krafters-Korner] Intro

Judy Jones sonshines59 at gmail.com
Wed Aug 8 21:24:39 UTC 2018

Hello to All,


My name is Judy Jones, and now that I have retired I am getting back to
enjoying knitting!  I used to do a ton of it before having kids, but pretty
much dropped it for years.


I actually saved most of my supplies, and they managed to make it with us
through our moves over the years.  I am only missing 3 needles hahaha,
definitely replaceable.


I learned to knit as a youngster when attending a German school while living
overseas, and did a lot of knitting up until having kids.  I have knitted
afghans, socks and sweaters, but I am starting out easy since getting back
to it.


I am currently knitting a seed-stitch baby blanket for my new granddaughter
in this wonderful purples-pinks sparkly yarn I found on Amazon with size 10
round needle.



I also just started a blue scarf for my daughter in the cross-stitch pattern
with size 10 needles.


I'm looking forward to meeting others on the list and their craft.


Thank you all.




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