[NFB-Krafters-Korner] Length of a child's scarf

Debbie debbie7515 at bellsouth.net
Fri Dec 1 20:54:32 UTC 2023

Hi Lana,

You were asking about the length for a 7 or 11 year old  child's scarf. I
personally  think that for a 7 year old child you want the scarf to be about
3 feet and for a child who is 11 years old maybe 3 and a half or 4 but I
personally would say 3 feet for both ages. Remember this is my personal
opinion. Also if you are making a scarf say for the OCC boxes which would be
for children in other countries, remember the children in other countries
are small. So a child who is 7 and lives say in Africa would not be as large
a say a child in America. I did not mean to assume that you ask that
question because you were making it for the OCC boxes. I was just explaining
about something that I have learned through  the charities and nonprofit
groups I deal with. When I'm making something for someone I take a lot of
things in mind when doing that project such as the size of the person, their
color preference and what I know or think I know they like. I like to look
at it this way there is not a right or wrong way to do most things, however
in some things you make you do have to consider the size which is what you
were doing. So enjoy making your scarves and have loads of fun doing it.

Debbie Killian



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