[Nfb-lions] My Lions Service Project

Paul Smith paulsmith at samobile.net
Tue Sep 6 09:46:23 UTC 2016

Hello my fellow Lions, whether or not you are members of NFB, ACB or 
unaffiliated.  This is just a heads up to tell you that you can 
participate in my Lions Service Project of reading encouraging, 
uplifting and inspirational articles over a radio station in Hyannis, 
Massachusetts run by Pastor Darryl Breffe of that community.

The broadcast will be from 4-5 PM eastern time, and on the Internet can 
be accessed by going to
Just tab around until you hear or read the word "listen" (without the 
quotes), click on that link and use your preferred player of choice.

On the other hand, if you would like to participate in the last 15 
minutes or so of the program with your comments on how you thought the 
show went, you may do so by calling Cjoy's conference line at
218-548-1428 and then entering the code 53787, and if all goes well you 
should be there.

Will be looking forward to either your listening or participation, 
however your inclination leads you.  Yours in Lionism, Lion Paul from 
District 22A

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