[NFB-NM] FW: ZoomText Training Reminder

Tonia Trapp tltrapp.7.467 at gmail.com
Mon Apr 17 20:46:47 UTC 2017



From: Curtis Chong [mailto:curtischong at earthlink.net] 
Sent: Monday, April 17, 2017 12:31 PM
To: Tonia Trapp
Subject: ZoomText Training Reminder




Can you send this out as a reminder please? Thanks.



JAWS and ZoomText Working Together!


VFO Group has announced that the recently released version 18 of JAWSR will
support version 11 of ZoomTextR.


This is great news for users of assistive technology!  Those who teach and
support these products will need to know all of what's new with both
products and how to use them together.


Digital Apex is offering a free workshop on this topic.  You will not want
to miss this opportunity!


When:                                  April 21, 3:00 to 5:00 pm

Where:                                 Large meeting room at the main
Albuquerque Library, 501 Copper NW, Albuquerque, NM 87102


Registering:                        Please send e-mail to Mark Nelson
<mark at mydigitalapex.com> to reserve your spot!


We at Digital Apex look forward to helping you move forward in teaching JAWS
and ZoomText together!




Curtis Chong



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