[NFB-NM] FW: Bake Sale Flyer

nfbnewmexicosecretary at gmail.com nfbnewmexicosecretary at gmail.com
Thu Sep 16 02:25:57 UTC 2021

Bake Sale
Friday, September 24, 2021
10:00 am - 2:00 pm
  205 Silver Ave. SW
Alb., NM 87102
(outside Silver Street Market)
 Proceeds help us provide support, information,
and encouragement to the blind.
Our Vision is to bring about security, equality, 
and opportunity for all blind New Mexicans.
 You can pay or contribute at
 <https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/my/profile> paypal.me/NFBofNewMexico
Visit us at  <http://www.nfbnm.org/> www.nfbnm.org
Sarah R. Villavicencio, Treasurer
Albuquerque Chapter
National Federation of the Blind of New Mexico
NFBNM.AbqChapter.Treasurer at gmail.com <mailto:NFBNM.AbqChapter.Treasurer at gmail.com> 
Live the life you want.
www.nfbnm.org <http://www.nfbnm.org/> 
The National Federation of the Blind is a community of members and friends who believe in the hopes and dreams of the nation’s blind. Every day we work together to help blind people live the lives they want.
www.nfb.org <http://www.nfb.org/> 
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