[Nfb-seniors] From an Author's Viewpoint

Julie C. Vogt jcvogt at pressenter.com
Sat Mar 28 19:42:08 UTC 2009

I am a published author, a Federationist, and a blind person. I've felt pressure by blind entities to make my book an e-book.  My publisher is Authorhouse.  They are--on an individual basis--making plans to have book narrated on individual author's sites on their authors' sites.

On my web site still under construction, I plan to read the book with option to buy in that mode in the near future.  Also I have someone in charge of a Braille edition of my book.  I feel intellectual properties should be respected as copyright laws protect, especially when I as an author have and am taken/taking great pains to have my book available in other means other than print.

"Owe no man anything, save to love one another:  for he that loveth his neighbor hath fulfilled the law,"Romans 13 8, (R.S.V.)

Julie Vogt or jcvogt at pressenter.com

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