[Nfb-seniors] NFB Senior Division Members - Listen to the last conference call - Read our agenda items for Convention

Robert Leslie Newman newmanrl at cox.net
Sun Jun 12 19:03:55 UTC 2016

Hi You All
RE: Want to listen to the June 8th conference call. Or, see what we have for
National Convention

#1 The recording for our 4th conference call, June 8th,  is up on our
Division's website conference download page. If you wish to listen to it,
here are to options:

-A. To listen to it via your computer, here is a link that will take you to
the Conference Recordings page -

-B. If you want to listen to it on your phone - Dial: (712) 432-1202. You
will reach, Free Conference Call Dot Com. At the prompt, punch in the
following access code- 759633. You will next be asked for the reference
number for the recording you wish to listen to, enter this number - 17  

#2 The 2016 Convention 
The 2016 National Convention is coming, June 30th:
Again held in Orlando, Florida, we will host two events. From the convention
agenda, here is how our Division's listings read:

Our first event: Thursday June 30th - 1:00 - 4:00 pm-SENIORS DIVISION
 Wekiwa 4, Level 2
 Meet seniors from across the country and learn how to play games adapted
for blind players. Share your know-how with beginners at game playing. Fun
prizes for bingo winners. Cost is $5 per person to support the division.
 Ruth Sager, President

Second event: Saturday July 2nd - 12:30 - 4:30 pm-KNOWLEDGE IS POWER! BE A
 Wekiwa 6, Level 2
 12:30 pm-Registration ($5)
 1:30 pm-Meeting
 Join the Senior Division, the fastest-growing group of the nation's blind.
Learn from fellow Federationists how to be a vibrant leader in your
community. Find out how to advocate for better services for seniors in your
state. Officer elections will be held, as will our silent auction.
 Ruth Sager, President

Respectfully yours,
Robert Leslie Newman
President, NFBN Senior Division

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