[Nfb-seniors] Nebraska Senior Blind Division - November Call is Monday the 14th, 3 days away

Robert Leslie Newman newmanrl at cox.net
Sat Nov 12 19:03:36 UTC 2016

Hi you all

RE: Notice of our November meeting; this coming Monday!

(Seniors from anywhere within the Federation family are welcome)


Reminder: Bring a short list of your favorite alternative techniques to
share. What non-vision or low-vision methods or tools have you found to help
you function independently.


Contents of this message:

*When and how to get on the call


*Pasted in below: Minutes and Treasurer's report from the October meeting

*NFB Pledge 


*#1 When and How to Get On the Call:

Date: Monday November 14th 

Time: 6:00 MT, 7:00 CT 

Phone: 1-712-451-0011

Access Code: 345154Pound


*#2 Agenda:

--Come-to-order: introductions, our NFB pledge (given by Miss Konruff) 

--Reports: Secretary & Treasurers Reports Will be discussed and approved
and/or accepted



-More discussion and assignment of Division duties



-Discuss anything you may bring.


---Philosophical Discussion: All of us share one or more of our favorite
alternative; how we get some things done as a blind person.


--Finally- Brags & Drags



*#3 NFB Pledge: 

 I pledge to participate actively in the efforts of the National

Federation of the Blind to achieve equality, opportunity, and security for
the blind; to support the policies and programs of the Federation; and to
abide by its constitution.





Monday, October 12, 2016


The NFBN Senior Division met by conference call on Monday, October 12, 2016.
President Robert Newman called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM CT. Members
present were: Robert Newman, Barbara Loos, Linda Mentink, Cheryl Livingston,
Nancy Oltman, Gina Finnell, Geralynn Konruff, Brad Loos, and Steve Senteney.
Guests present were: Dianne Hemphill, Georgia Kitchen, Mary Jackson, Judy
Bolton, and Janet Coleman.


Robert recited the NFB pledge. Geralynn will recite it next month.


Linda read the September minutes. Barbara moved, Cheryl seconded, that the
minutes be approved as corrected. The motion carried.


Cheryl read the yearly Treasurer's report; this relates to our 2016 annual
business meeting at convention. Barbara moved, Nancy seconded, that we
accept the yearly Treasurer's report. The motion carried. Cheryl then read
the monthly report for September. Gina moved, Barbara seconded, that we
accept the report. The motion carried.


Convention Recap: Robert explained to our guests about the clickers, our
fund raising item, and how they were used at our state convention. We will
decide closer to the time of the next convention whether or not we will sell
them again.


Robert and Barbara gave a quick rundown of the convention schedule. Barbara
mentioned that Jamie and her family made some Braille Trail Mix like what
they had at the BELL Academy this past summer, as a snack at the
after-banquet camaraderie. Barbara moved, Cheryl seconded, that we reimburse
Jamie $20 for the ingredients and bags. The motion carried.


Dianne asked if people, when they come to our convention meeting, ask what
our purpose is, or how we might be different from other low-vision support
groups. Linda explained that those who attended were NFB members, or were
familiar with the NFB. We discussed what we could offer to people at
different skill levels, focusing on how to assist with calling in to a
conference call.


We discussed some ways to engage our members in helping the division to run
smoothly. We need callers to remind people of the meeting, or invite them
for the first time; also, someone could send Braille get-well and birthday
cards or emails. That person would be reimbursed for any expenses incurred.
Barbara will check on where to get Braille cards. She suggested Pat Fisher
or our Krafters Division. Robert suggested that she check out our Krafters
Division first. Dianne said that, for people who don't have good Braille
skills, musical cards are nice.


Robert has a list of duties from the NFB website. He went through part of
the list. Most are not applicable. We discussed having a new member
coordinator, getting some new member packets, and mentoring new members.
Barbara said that it really helps to call a new person for a while, and
remind them of the next meeting. Often they will discuss something as a
follow-up to our last meeting that they need help with or don't understand.
She will talk with Janet. Brad, Nancy and Steve are willing to be mentors.
Steve went to the Center in Lincoln and would stress that a newly blind
person should go. Brad said that would be second on his list. What meant the
most to him in the first couple years of his blindness was being with other
blind people. We need to be there for each other, and help each other to
figure it out and to make it. Steve mentioned that reading biographies of
blind people helps him. Brad mentioned our Kernel Books.


>From the list of an NFB group, Robert pointed out the job of Community
Outreach Coordinator. He mentioned that at convention, during general
session, the membership was divided up into committees, and all were to
gather in the group that best met their interest. Robert joined Barbara
Loos's committee, of education/outreach, and he plans to contact the various
counties in Nebraska, as well as the Association for Ophthalmologists and
Optometrists, and get something on their websites about the Commission for
the Blind, the Talking Book and Braille Service, and the National Federation
of the Blind, specifically the Senior Division. We also need to go into the
senior centers and retirement homes in our communities.


Brags and Drags: Brad mentioned that he discovered at the state convention
that he had a previous connection with Adelmo. He was down in Shiprock, New
Mexico, where Adelmo lived, for the organizing of that local chapter.


Nancy said that her brother-in-law and her aunt Irene had passed away. She
thanked everyone for their prayers.


Georgia mentioned that they have a small chapter in Flint, Michigan, and
there are a lot of people having trouble getting services because they're
seniors. They had an iPhone class in the past. At their meetings they share
hints and tips, and answer questions people have.


Robert suggested that next month we share our favorite alternative
techniques. We will also talk more about duties.


Gina moved, Linda seconded, that the meeting be adjourned. The motion
carried. The meeting adjourned at 8:37.


Respectfully submitted,


Linda Mentink, Secretary



**Treasurer's Report-Senior Division

October 10, 2016


Beginning Balance Sept 12                                  $739.95


Oct PAC plan                                                           $

Check 1223 9/30 Registration                            $85.00          



Ending Balance       Oct 10, 2016                       $644.95

Respectfully submitted,

Cheryl Livingston, Treasurer




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