[Nfb-seniors] NFBN Senior division February Meeting Reminder - This coming Monday, the 13th!
Robert Leslie Newman
newmanrl at cox.net
Sat Feb 11 18:09:00 UTC 2017
Hi You All
RE: Join us on our February Meeting - two days from today
**#1 About our meeting:
*When and how to get on the call
*Minutes, pasted in below and attached
*The NFB Pledge
*#1 When and How to Get On the Call:
Date: Monday February 13rd
Time: 6:00 MT, 7:00 CT
Phone: 1-712-451-0011
Access Code: 345154Pound
*#2 Agenda:
-First- Come-to-order, say our NFB pledge (Steve will have the honor for
this month)
-Second- secretary & treasurers Reports Will be discussed and approved
and/or accepted
-Anything that you may bring from prior meetings
-The Friends of the Commission has a fund raiser - members will tell us
about it.
-Also the Friends of the Commission is offering one-on-one technology
training to seniors, ; learn more about this opportunity!
-Anything you may bring
*#3 Philosophical Discussion: what and why you use helpful apps on your
phone or computer, and/or any helpful gadgets that you make use of. What is
independence, and how do you limit the limitations of blindness.
--Finally- Brags & Drags
*#4 NFB Pledge:
I pledge to participate actively in the efforts of the National
Federation of the Blind to achieve equality, opportunity, and security for
the blind; to support the policies and programs of the Federation; and to
abide by its constitution.
**Minutes from our last meeting:
Monday, January 9, 2017
The National Federation of the Blind of Nebraska Senior Division met by
telephone conference on Monday, January 9, 2017. President Robert Newman
called the meeting to order at 7:05 PM CST. Present were: President Robert
Newman, Vice President Barbara Loos, Secretary Linda Mentink, Treasurer
Cheryl Livingston, Board Member Nancy Oltman, Walt Hively, Brad Loos, and
Steve Senteney. Guests: Janet Coleman, Della Johnston and Warren Bennet.
Brad recited the NFB Pledge. Steve will recite it next month.
Linda read the December, 2016, meeting minutes which were submitted by
Robert. Barbara moved, Nancy seconded, that the minutes be approved as
corrected. The motion carried.
Cheryl gave the treasurer's report. There were no deposits. Our only expense
was our $10 PAC, leaving a balance of $765.53. She will make a deposit from
B Canes before our next meeting. Barbara moved, Nancy seconded, that the
report be accepted. The motion carried.
Robert asked about increasing our PAC. Barbara moved, Cheryl seconded, that
we increase it to $15. The motion carried.
Steve asked about dues and the PAC plan. Cheryl, Nancy and Barbara explained
different aspects. Barbara mentioned that Nebraska usually ranks 7th or 8th
in the country for the amount that we pay into PAC each month.
Robert would like to have a discussion some time about the organization and
all that it does. Barbara suggested Amy Buresh, our state president. Robert
will ask her which month she could be our presenter.
Member Updates: Robert mentioned that Gene Gillette has not been with us
lately because he is taking care of his mother who is ill. Gina Finnell has
been having health issues, and had surgery on the day of our last meeting.
Goals for 2017: Barbara mentioned transportation state wide, and said that
the Mobility Management Committee to which she has been appointed has not
met yet. She asked that some of us check out two websites for accessibility:
http://nebraskatransit.com AND http://www.transportation.nebraska.gov.
Robert will send those URLs to the Nebraska list. Comments about them should
be sent to Kari Ruse and to Barbara.
We should continue to meet with people in our localities to see what's
available. We could possibly work with state wide entities such as Lions
Clubs, but we need to be sure that we have some kind of continuity with
Della said that, if we are going to work on a specific program, we need to
think about using that program.
Nancy asked about Lyft. Barbara stated that Lyft and Uber not only will take
you around town, but are available to go out of state, too. It's expensive
to travel that way. Each has an app for the iPhone for making arrangements
and payments. Users also need an email address and a credit card.
Our philosophical discussion was on traveling and being put somewhere and
told to stay there, which we don't necessarily want to do. Often we are put
in a wheelchair or taken to an elevator rather than a closer escalator.
Sometimes it works to politely stand our ground. On a plane, they are not
allowed to take away our canes; though sometimes they claim it is within the
Brags and Drags: Barbara shared that she and Brad are in the Explorers group
for AIRA, so they will be able to update us on that technology.
Different apps were mentioned that take pictures and tell colors. Della
suggested that, since we were up against the time clock, we put a "to be
continued" on this conversation. The meeting adjourned at 8:43.
Respectfully Submitted,
Linda Mentink, Secretary
**Treasurer's Report-Senior Division
January 9, 2017
Beginning Balance December 12, 2016 $775.53
Jan PAC plan $ 10.00
Total Expenses
Ending Balance January 9, 2017 $765.53
Respectfully submitted,
Cheryl Livingston, Treasurer
Respectfully yours,
Robert Leslie Newman
NFBN Senior Division, President
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