[Nfb-seniors] NFBN Senior Division January Meeting Reminder - Tomorrow Night! & Corrected Minutes

Robert Leslie Newman newmanrl at cox.net
Mon Jan 9 03:32:53 UTC 2017

Hi you all


RE: Notice of our January meeting! Tomorrow! 


(Visitors are welcome)


Contents of this message:


*When and how to get on the call




*Minutes from our last meeting - pasted in below 

(Corrected from the first mailing; getting them looking good, is a team
effort! Thanks for the help we've gotten thus far)


*The NFB Pledge 


*#1 When and How to Get On the Call:


Date: Monday January 9th 


Time: 6:00 MT, 7:00 CT 


Phone: 1-712-451-0011


Access Code: 345154Pound


*#2 Agenda:


-First- Come-to-order, say our NFB pledge (Brad will do the honors)


-Second- secretary & treasurers Reports Will be discussed and approved
and/or accepted




-An Update on work assignments for members 





-Put on our dream-beanies and make a goal or two for 2017!


*#3 Philosophical Discussion: going on vacation and dealing with hotels and
airports, and how to avoid just being sat somewhere in an unfamiliar place,
and told not to move.


--Finally- Brags & Drags




*#4 NFB Pledge: 


I pledge to participate actively in the efforts of the National


Federation of the Blind to achieve equality, opportunity, and security for
the blind; to support the policies and programs of the Federation; and to
abide by its constitution.




Monday, December 12, 2016


The Senior Division of the NATIONAL Federation of the Blind of Nebraska met
by phone conference Monday, December 12th, 2016. President Robert Newman
called the meeting to order at 7:16 PM. Members in attendance: President
Robert L. Newman, VP Barbara Loos, Secretary Cheryl Livingston, Board Member
Nancy Oltman, Geralynn Konruff, Brad Loos, and Steve Senteney. Guests: Della
Johnston and Janet Coleman.


The NFB Pledge was given by Barbara Loos. (Brad will present it next month.)


Division Reports: Barbara read the November minutes. Two corrections were
identified as needed, after they were noted, the minutes were unanimously
approved (Cheryl moved; Nancy seconded). (Corrections: Change the date of
the October meeting from the 11th, to the 14th. Change October's ending
balance from $666.95 to $860.53.)


Treasurer's Report: by Cheryl - November's beginning balance was $860.53with
the ending balance of $775.53. (Barbara moved; Geralynn seconded;
unanimously accepted.) The full report is pasted in below 


Cheryl announced and gave us her new email address -
<mailto:clivingston7891 at gmail.com> clivingston7891 at gmail.com.


Old Business: Robert reported on the progress of assigning Division duties
to members. More work needs to be done on getting this going. Robert has
talked to a few of our members, looking for an expressed willingness to take
on a job; with no one stepping forward. Robert now realizes that it would be
more productive if he were to just politely ask the person to take on a
specific duty. 


Robert also reported:  In speaking about our efforts to find the best source
of greeting cards, he has been collecting the information we find; will
share it soon.


New Business: Robert asked for topics for next year's meetings. 


1-      We will get to the topic suggested in October; going on vacation and
dealing with hotels and airports, and how to avoid just being sat somewhere
in an unfamiliar place, and told not to move.


2-      Barbara volunteered this idea: From "Willing to Able:" In our
efforts to get our membership to take on Division duties, we need to not
stop at someone being willing, but also, being able; some people may want to
do a job, but lack the skills or confidence. And so, what we as a Division
must do is to aid a member to overcome any lack of a needed skill. We could
figure out workable alternatives, and teach those blindness skills to the
willing person. 


3-      Nancy suggested: Cover each of our affiliate committee topic areas
setup during the 2016 convention. Those committees were: Education, travel,
membership, legislative; and others that we could not come up with during
this call.


Philosophical Discussion: Robert gave is version of what gifts the
Federation has given him. Brad, too shared his take on it. Nancy, also


Note: this reminded Barbara, she was to hear about being put on a state wide
committee relating to transportation; Kari Ruse is who Barbara will need to


Brags and Drags: Steven mentioned a documentary that he recently saw on
blindness; it appeared on educational TV. The title could be "Going blind,"
it was a series of stories about individuals talking about their experience
with going blind. He will research it and give us a report; on the correct
title and where/how it can be viewed. 


Adjournment: 8:25 PM


** Treasurer's Report-Senior Division

December 12,  2016


Beginning Balance November 14, 2016 $860.53


Dec  PAC plan                                                         $

Check 1225 to NFBN for dues                              $75.00            

Total Expenses                                                        $85.00



Ending Balance       December 12, 2016 $775.53

Respectfully submitted,

Cheryl Livingston, Treasurer



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