[NFB-Seniors] Another Fine Newsletter - New Mexico's - QUE PASA

Robert Leslie Newman robertleslienewman at gmail.com
Thu Oct 3 17:29:17 UTC 2019




Quarterly newsletter of the National Federation of the Blind of New Mexico,
published on  <http://www.nfbnm.org> www.nfbnm.org, on New Mexico Newsline,
and on NFB Newsline.


Adelmo Vigil

President, NFB of New Mexico

E-mail:  <mailto:nfbnewmexicopresident at gmail.com>
nfbnewmexicopresident at gmail.com

(575) 921-5422


Tonia Trapp, Editor

E-mail:  <mailto:nfbnewmexicosecretary at gmail.com>
nfbnewmexicosecretary at gmail.com

(505) 856-5346





To submit an article or recipe for possible inclusion in this newsletter,
please email it to nfbnewmexicosecretary at gmail.com
<mailto:nfbnewmexicosecretary at gmail.com> . By submitting your article or
other material, you are agreeing to the following:


*You assert that your article does not violate any confidentiality,
copyright, or other laws, and that it is not intended to slander, defame, or


*The NFB of New Mexico (NFBNM) has the discretion to publish and distribute
the article either in whole or in part.


*NFBNM is authorized to edit the article for formatting, length and content.


*NFBNM reserves the right to not publish submissions for any reason.


Table of Contents


ME? WRITE A BOOK? <> . 3









GOOD EATING <> .. 17










The National Federation of the Blind of New Mexico (NFBNM) is a 501(c)(3)
consumer organization comprised of blind and sighted people committed to
changing what it means to be blind. Though blindness is still all too often
a tragedy to those who face it, we know from our own personal experience
that with training and opportunity, it can be reduced to the level of a
physical nuisance. We work to see that blind people receive services and
training to which they are entitled and that parents of blind children
receive the advice and support they need to help their youngsters grow up to
be happy, productive adults. We believe that first-class citizenship means
that people have both rights and responsibilities, and we are determined to
see that blind people become first-class citizens of these United States,
enjoying their rights and fulfilling their responsibilities. The most
serious problems we face have less to do with our lack of vision than with
discrimination based on the public's ignorance and misinformation about
blindness. Join us in educating New Mexicans about the abilities and
aspirations of New Mexico's blind citizens.


(Adapted from NFB of Ohio newsletter.) 




By Gary Ted Montague 


Writing Victory from the Shadows, Growing Up in a New Mexico School for the
Blind and Beyond, reminded me of many incidents that stood out as points in
my personal development. These produced memories long forgotten. I learned I
can continue to reach out and touch the hearts of others. It improved my
ability to share as so many have shared with me - ideas of value, quality,
and strength. 


I have for many years felt the presence of Divine direction plus a sense of
help when I needed it most. I have seen love, joy, truth, happiness,
frustration, and depression the same as many of my sisters and brothers,
even when observers remained unaware. What I know is that courage comes from
striving to improve the world. When trouble comes, we must look for the
silver lining in the cloud of life to help us realize that, despite
trepidation, there are better times and ways and greater pleasures that
await us. 


The dream of publishing Victory from the Shadows endured for nine years
through physical injuries, illnesses, family challenges, even deaths of
loved ones, but we made it. People who knew how to do what we had to learn
popped up unexpectedly as we needed them. 


I have been forced to recognize that my presence in the lives of others is
enhanced when I am willing to share, advise, give, and offer help in small
or larger ways. Although life is hard at times, there are many more points
of beauty than we imagine. That is why we go toward the joys in life by
striving, hoping, and caring. 


In writing our book, my wife Elaine and I learned to share information so
others can use it. Many factors influence where a story goes. The audience
is the most important part. The reader wants to relate the author's words to
his life. The author does not want her book pushed aside for a more
intriguing one. 


I learned as a young boy that if I was going to break a horse, I would be
thrown off and suffer a variety of hurts, but they did not compare to the
joy of riding that animal when it was broken. Likewise, we went through
rejections and revisions and several total rewrites with different styles,
directions, and voices. 


It is important to write daily, keep writing, and never give up. At the same
time, we had to learn how to pursue our dream and organize, research, and
express memories. We needed to understand the process of writing to develop
our craft. 


The hardest part for me was giving up privacy, but I found that providing
information about my past so others could understand led me to bond with
readers who faced similar trials. We can all feel part of a group and
empathize with one another by understanding a little about human nature.
Telling Elaine my private thoughts and sharing sensitive parts of my
experiences was a struggle, especially for the first two years. I did not
want to write a book; my wife did, and I was her favorite subject. I was
afraid I might not remember incidents which had brought me to feel personal
worth and courage. Talking of situations which had affected me very much in
the past but no longer do, I realized they lost importance as I grew up. 


I wrote the book to let the world see that people with visual impairment can
accomplish far more than most people expect. This article is to encourage
members to read and tell others about Victory from the Shadows and to strive
to do the best they can in all projects they tackle. 


Victory from the Shadows, Growing Up in a New Mexico School for the Blind
and Beyond, by Gary Ted and Elaine Carson Montague. Gary's story of struggle
and triumph. Trace his life from a small farm to residential school during
World War II to college and long career at a national scientific lab.
Includes current resources, misconceptions, and need-to-know information
such as the conundrum of low vision. Paperback ISBN 978-0-578-40795-1, ABQ
Press, 2019, for sale at Amazon and in bookstores; e-pub online. Visit our
website, www.elainemontague.com <http://www.elainemontague.com> .




By Pat Munson


We celebrated the fourth of July by flying to Las Vegas, Nevada for the 2019
NFB convention. Our first slow-down was having security make us step aside
while one of our bags was opened ... the X-ray machine showed something odd.
Sure enough, it was walnuts I was taking for our lunch. The odd part was
that I had some of the same nuts in another bag, but they were not
interested in that bag ... go figure!


When we arrived at the hotel, I was surprised that we had to walk so far to
reach the front door, although later I was sorry that we found the door;
however, it was 105 degrees outside. The noise level in the lobby was
unbelievable. The music was at a level I had never heard; also, the lobby
was half the length of a football field. Luckily the line to register was
not too long. One day, Jack said there must have been five-hundred folks
waiting to get a room.


The next pleasure was getting an elevator. There were 24 of them divided, so
one had to get on the elevator that stopped at the floor desired, and one
had to have a card to hold up to a reader and then press the floor number.
In other words, one could only go to the floor coded on the card. Maybe,
more about this later. Incidentally, there are 3500 rooms at the Mandalay
Bay Hotel.


Just a note about the room service: If one wanted a cup of coffee, one paid
nine dollars. If someone desired orange juice from the fridge, one parted
with 12 dollars.


Let's go back to the lobby level. However, I would rather not ... the noise
was so loud I could not hear Jack shouting in my ear. To get to other areas
of the hotel, one was forced to go through the gambling area, which went on
for a quarter of a mile. On one side of the gambling machines were
restaurants, of course with the same noise level. One could eat there with
one's worst enemy: who knew what was being said. Oh, I have not mentioned
food costs. The cheapest was a so-so buffet at 33 dollars per person. We did
have a wonderful Russian dinner, but it was over one-hundred bucks.


Continuing past all this noise and food, one finally got to the convention
center where our meetings were held. It took 15 minutes of brisk walking to
arrive there. One day Jack made the trip seven times. He was mighty tired.
If one wanted to go to the swimming pools, one went down to the lower level
which was still full of noise. We did go outside so I could hear real birds
and feel the intense heat. Five minutes was enough. All I could think was
how much power was required to run that Disneyland-like environment ...
there is not enough water in that part of the country!


I did like the meetings and seeing some of my friends from around the
country. I have known many since 1977 or so. They all thought the hotel was
a crazy place!


A major focus at convention for me is the division for seniors. By the way,
Christine Hall created the divisions at both the national and New Mexico
state levels some decades ago. We thank her for all that work. This year at
the national convention, the seniors had a seminar followed by the business
meeting and speakers two days later. The focus of the seminar was "doing"
yoga. Our blind instructors came around to help if we were not sure of our
poses. It was great fun, but some of us were mighty tired at the end. The
president, Ruth Segar, paces meetings really well; some of us have short
attention spans!


The highlight of that meeting was the discussion of a week-long seminar for
some lucky recently-blind seniors. They spent the week at an NFB camp, where
they learned under sleep-shades how to manage their daily lives. From what
they said, they also had lots of fun and made new blind friends.


I could not attend all of the convention meetings, but the ones I attended
were as interesting as always. There are overlapping meetings during lunch,
and many of them occur after adjournment in the evening. For some, finding
time to sleep is a problem.


When the convention sessions commence, I walk around the vast hall looking
for each state's pole, which stands tall with the name of each state in both
large print and Braille. Reading the Braille labels allows me to find some
of my old friends, with whom I do quick business. 


The highlight of the convention is the banquet. One of our New Mexico
students was receiving a scholarship, so we were eagerly waiting for his
name to be called. The banquet address was uplifting; all speeches and
presentations in the long evening were enjoyed by everyone. For me, the
highlight of the dinner was the salad. A large bowl was placed in front of
me. I heard the waiter state he would be around with the dressing, which I
found unusual. I think the reason was so we could cut up the two whole
hearts of Romaine lettuce. Some picked up each leaf and ate it that way; I'm
not going to say what I did.


After this convention experience, home never seemed so good. Everything is
so easy in the apartment and around the building in which we live!




By Nancy Burns


Governor David Cargo signed the first White Cane Law into effect in 1967.
This legislation was recommended by President Lynden B. Johnson and has had
far-reaching impact on the lives of blind and visually impaired individuals.
The law protects the rights of those who use a white cane or guide dog to
access all public facilities.


The president of the United States, as well as many governors and city
mayors, sign White Cane proclamations annually acknowledging October 15th as
White Cane Awareness Day. For many years, local chapters of the National
Federation of the Blind of New Mexico (NFBNM) have organized White Cane
banquets to call attention to this important issue. City leaders,
legislators, and local businesspeople are generally invited in order that
the National Federation of the Blind is able to educate them about the law.
Literature is distributed and events are held. 


The 50th anniversary of this important legislation was in 2017 and was
acknowledged by many local chapters. During the month of October, chapters
historically combine efforts in order to impact the community with knowledge
of the National Federation of the Blind of New Mexico and to focus on


Since the state of New Mexico holds the honor of passing the first White
Cane Law, it is the desire of the NFBNM to publicize this important date.
This year on October 12, 2019, the Albuquerque and West Mesa Chapters have
the honor of presenting Fire Chief Paul Dow as the guest speaker. Chief Dow
has expressed a desire to keep the line of communication open between
Albuquerque Fire and Rescue and the National Federation of the Blind.
Caroline Benavidez and Nancy Burns have been invited by Chief Dow to speak
to a graduating Rookie class of fire fighters. The National Federation of
the Blind of New Mexico gratefully accepts this invitation to share
information with the Albuquerque Fire and Rescue Department.




By Tina Hodgman


When I was young, I was told I could be anything I wanted to be. I'm not
sure if I believed it then, but I was interested in space and flying, and my
interests were encouraged. My dad even paid me to record episodes of Star
Trek, and as I watched each episode (to edit out the commercials), I
developed a sincere desire to become a part of humanity's exploration of the
great unknown. 


I was a good student, and when I learned that the New Mexico School for the
Blind and Visually Impaired (NMSBVI) was going to take a small group of
students to Space Camp, I just knew I had to go. I did everything they
asked, I met all the qualifications, and when I was accepted, I . Well, I
jumped so high I probably could have touched the moon without a rocket!
Space camp was great. It was so amazing, in fact, that I went twice! 


A few years later, I left Alamogordo to attend Farmington High School, and
some of my classmates and I took a test to assess our abilities and
interests so we would have a better idea of what we all wanted to be when we
grew up. I didn't want to grow up, but I took the test anyway. We were
instructed to answer honestly, so I did. 


My results encouraged the test proctor to speak with me personally. He said
my test showed a strong interest in flying and that I had excellent math AND
writing scores, so he wanted to give me information about the Air Force. He
asked if I would be interested in a military career. "Yes," I answered
eagerly, "but, I'm legally blind, sir. Do you think there are any jobs
suited for me?" 


I didn't need any vision to see his face fall. He told me they had strict
physical requirements, and he didn't think I would be able to join. I didn't
give up, though. I decided I would go talk to the local recruiter, because I
was sure I could work in a control tower, maybe maintenance, or at least do
clerical work. The funny thing is, when I got to the recruiter's office,
guess who I saw? Yep: it was the same guy. He wasn't a test proctor; he was
a recruiter.


I don't know if that experience was the root cause or not, but I dropped out
of school, started a family, and continued to watch Star Trek from time to
time. I had to give up on my dreams of being an astronaut. Instead, I worked
in fast food, retail, hotels, or stayed home to raise my kids. 


Unsatisfied with my lot in life and believing I could do more despite my
blindness, I decided to go back to school. I had earned my GED and taken a
few college courses, but I knew I could do better. I looked at my realistic
options this time, decided to study English and literature, and talked with
the New Mexico Commission for the Blind. I started taking classes at Western
New Mexico University, the same school, coincidentally, that the NFB of New
Mexico president used to attend.


Going back to school was difficult. I hadn't been in class for a long time,
and I had to schedule my work around my family. I had to do a lot of
paperwork, secure my accommodations, buy books and supplies, and keep the
Commission informed of my progress. I thought about giving up several times,
but I persevered. And last year, I graduated Summa Cum Laude with a 4.0
grade point average. I kind of amazed myself. 


I haven't found a job yet, though, and it's been very frustrating to keep
applying for jobs with employers who don't hire me. To make matters worse, I
keep seeing jobs I know I could do but don't apply for, because I don't have
a driver's license and that's one of their mandatory requirements. Recently
though, I realized that I've gained something even more important. After all
these years, I finally know what I want to be when I grow up. 


I made my choice based on what I'm realistically good at, rather than
chasing impossible dreams. But don't think for one second that I'm
advocating for blind people to ignore their dreams: quite the opposite. 


You see, if I hadn't loved space so much, I wouldn't have watched, read,
listened to, or otherwise explored anything and everything space-related
that I could get my hands on. I wouldn't have been as interested in
schoolwork or other intellectual experiences, and I wouldn't be a college
graduate today. 


I know I will find a meaningful career, but in the meantime, I'm working on
a book, writing and publishing articles, and loving life at home with my
kids. I'm trying to get into graduate school, and when I'm done with that,
I'm going to be a college professor. 


So, don't give up on your dreams. You may not get where you wanted to go,
but the journey is important, and you never know where you'll end up.
Succeed or fail, you'll learn much along the way. As Norman Vincent Peale
famously said, "Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the




By Peggy Hayes


Recently, people have had less than pleasant experiences renewing the
official state ID. With the new "Real ID" requirements, things have gotten a
little more complicated. Here are some tips that might help you if you need
to renew your official ID.


I recently went to the DMV office in Alamogordo and expected to breeze
through the process. Wrong! Since I had my current ID, birth certificate and
passport, I felt confident that things would be simple and quick. Just a
reminder, if you do not have a "real ID" you may not be able to travel on
public transportation, including air and bus services. You will not be
allowed in federal buildings or facilities. 


Proving citizenship and residence is a real important item. Proof of
residence is the concern. Among acceptable documents are 2 recent utility
bills with your name. This means if you live with a family member or friend,
but your name is not on the utility account, you can't prove you live where
you say. Other acceptable documents include a recent bank statement with
your name and address, a letter from Social Security with your name and
address, or Medicaid, Medicare or other insurance document with your name
and address. Again, your address is vital to prove residency.


I recommend you do some research before going to your DMV office. Hopefully,
these ideas will help make the process a little less frustrating.




By Larry Lorenzo


With October being both "Meet the Blind Month" and "Disability Awareness
Month," the White Sands Chapter of the NFBNM is planning several community
events. To celebrate White Cane Safety Day, the White Sands Chapter is
collaborating with the New Mexico School for the Blind and Visually
Impaired, the New Mexico Commission for the Blind Orientation Center, and
the New Mexico State University Alamogordo in an organized White Cane Walk
and ceremony. The White Cane Safety Act was passed by New Mexico in 1967 as
a model disability rights legislation. Last year, the White Cane Walk
included a walk from a neighborhood Walmart to the college, ending with a
proclamation by the Alamogordo mayor and motivational presentations by
members of the blind community. Similar activities are being planned this


A community outreach initiative is also being organized. The chapter has
started the Larry Hayes Memorial Quality of Life Grant. This initiative has
several parts:


1. Collaboration: Partnering with community organizations is a way of
increasing our impact and amplifying our message. As noted earlier, the
White Cane celebration event will involve several organizations that
directly involve blind individuals.

In addition, The Fraternal Order of Eagles has been a friend of the
Federation and is partnering in sponsoring the Quality of Life Grant. The
Noonday Lions Club is co-facilitating a blind and low vision awareness
event. This includes general blindness awareness presentations and grant
awards. The chapter will take the lead with philosophy discussion and
independent living skills training.


2. Assistive devices to promote independence and self-reliance: Part of the
Quality of Life Grant includes purchasing audible/talking devices for some
area residents who are blind or experience low vision. These items can be
talking clocks or timers, talking blood pressure monitors, talking
thermometers, apps for smart phones or computers, etc. Devices will be
purchased for recipients up to $100.00. If a qualified individual wishes to
buy an approved device over $100.00, the grant will be applied to the
purchase price.


3. Training and support: NFB chapter members will instruct recipients on the
use of the assistive device. A presentation will be made covering a wide
range of issues. These include cooking, money management, mobility and
transportation, etc. Chapter members will describe proven techniques that
reflect a creative or nontraditional approach. Both grant recipients and
other participants will be encouraged to think of the White Sands Chapter as
a friend and resource in living independently with low vision and blindness.


4. Philosophy and core beliefs: Assistive devices are great tools. However,
all the tools in the world are less important than a positive philosophy and
belief in the abilities of the blind. "Live the life you want" is more than
a catchy slogan: it is a statement of fact that power and control over one's
life is literally in the hands of the individual. It is built on years of
successful experiences of thousands of blind people. This includes
high-profile persons such as Dr. Jacobus tenBroek, who founded the National
Federation of the Blind in 1940. Other blind leaders have also helped change
the perception of blindness. However, it is best demonstrated in the lives
of ordinary blind people going about the business of "living."


New Mexico has its share of extraordinary blind over-achievers: Pauline
Gomez, educator and the first president of NFBNM; Dr. Fred Schroeder, first
executive director of the New Mexico Commission for the Blind; Raul Midon,
nationally-recognized musician; and many others. But again, it is ordinary
blind persons who touch the community and daily change people's thinking
about what it means to be blind.


The October walk and presentation is another opportunity to share this
philosophy and core belief. The White Sands Chapter of the NFBNM is working
at making a difference. "Live the life you want" will be on full display as
a way of life.




By Nancy Burns


The goal of the Creating Options support group is to tap into the expansive
interests of blind and visually impaired individuals. Many of these talented
people believe that they can no longer be artistic, successfully cook a
meal, use the sewing machine, or shop at a nearby supermarket. The purpose
of this group is to explore options, as the name implies. The New Mexico
Commission for the Blind has graciously hosted this group for three years.
The Commission provides the perfect setting and assists in greeting those
who attend. 


The group facilitators have reached out to community services in order to
bring useful information to participants. As a result of these efforts, the
September meeting became a roaring success. Three staff members from the
Veteran's services were present: Trudy Valdez, VIST Coordinator; Kelly
Golden, Blind Rehabilitation Orientation Specialist; and Glenda Zuccarello,
Low Vision Specialist. These honored guests brought information and shared
some adaptive devices, and Trudy brought delicious home-baked blueberry
muffins. Information was shared about the White Cane Day Walk to be held
Tuesday, October 15, at the field on the expansive grounds of the VA Medical
Center. Flyers were distributed for this event. Everyone is welcome and
encouraged to participate.


As always, Commission staff members were present and assisted with
arrangements and escorting attendees to the meeting room. Members of the
National Federation of the Blind were present and invited people to attend
the annual White Cane Banquet to be held at the Crown Plaza Hotel on October
12. Flyers for this banquet were distributed. 


Three legally blind artists shared their concerns as well as their
successes. A total of three blind veterans were also present. Some of these
vets are experiencing recent vision loss and will hopefully attend future


Creating Options meets the third Wednesday of each month. Those experiencing
concerns about vision loss are welcome, as well as friends and family. The
setting is casual and the facilitators, Nancy and Don Burns, hope to reach
any person with vision loss concerns. Join us on the third Wednesday of each
month from 10:00 a.m. until 12 noon. 




By Pat Munson


Recently, we decided to go to the state Fair. Our main reason was, of
course, to pet the animals in the children's petting zoo. Before entering
the petting zoo, Jack had to purchase food for them. Because he had food,
the goats got carried away trying to knock one another out of the way. Once
the food was gone, they ambled off elsewhere. 


We were told not to feed the donkey or the pig; they had plenty of hay. The
donkey was very friendly, but my main objective was to look at the pig's
nose. He got away the first time, but the next round I struck gold. Now I
know exactly what his mouth looks like. It would be fun to see him try to
hold and drink a cup of coffee! His snout is as flat as a pancake and feels
a bit rough.


My understanding is that trainers prepare these animals for petting, because
like service animals, they must be very gentle. In the zoo, there were also
very friendly sheep, a chicken, a duck and a very small bull. Because we
were hogging the animals' attention, the poor children were most likely
happy when we departed.


We did amble around one of the buildings listening to parrots who, for a
price, could sit on one's shoulder for a photo. Jack said they were all very
colorful, and they were noisy. In this building, companies displayed
everything from mattresses to purses. Since shopping is not for me, I simply
bought some colorful socks and Jack bought nothing.


One aspect of the fair I really like is the fact that many people are
displaying flowers they have grown, homemade food, and art. What a treat to
see so many people spending time preparing all these displays and so on.
Another favorite section of the fair is the young folks and their animals.
So many young people these days are busy spending time looking at their
phone, but these younger folks are physically tending to their animals. It's
so nice to see that. We saw everything from sheep to rabbits. 


Of course, there are lots of rides and lots of music of many varieties to
entertain just about everyone. We cannot wait for the fair next year. There
are always new items, many of which can be touched and enjoyed.




By Matthew Reisen, Journal Staff Writer 


(Note: The following article was published in the Albuquerque Journal on
Sunday, August 18, 2019.)


Forgotten. Ignored. Unseen. 


That's how disability advocates say Mayor Tim Keller's administration has
made their population feel and they point to the large metallic sculpture in
Civic Plaza as a symbol of the problem, noting that they were not consulted
about it and have serious concerns with it. 


Photo Caption: National Federation of the Blind of New Mexico members
Lindsay Sloan and Brianne Kotschwar stand by the One Albuquerque statue in
Civic Plaza on Saturday morning.


Members of the Americans with Disabilities Act Advisory Council and National
Federation of the Blind of New Mexico gathered in front of the "One
Albuquerque" fixture on Saturday morning to rail against the city's
inattention to ADA compliance both past and present.


"I don't want to stumble upon something and find out that it's a problem.
I'd rather have a seat at the table and say, 'Hey, I helped come up with a
solution for that," said Tara Chavez, president of the Albuquerque chapter
of the NFBNM, as she stood in front of the sculpture. 


A visual representation of Mayor Keller's "One Albuquerque" mantra, the
three-dimensional sculpture weighs in at 17,800-pounds and cost the city
$53,000, including $39,000 from lodgers' tax revenue designated for
marketing and a $14,000 gift from the National Senior Games organizing


The sculpture has been placed at the corner of Third and Tijeras, near Civic
Plaza, and is now set to be moved to different events and locations around
the city. Because of its weight the sculpture cannot be placed on Civic
Plaza, which has a parking garage beneath. 


Advocates like Chavez have concerns of their own. "I'm short enough that I
could easily have walked up to it, not realizing it's there, and smashed my
head on it - last I checked, steel hurts," she said. When members of the
NFBNM and ADAAC complained about the risks to the blind and disabled, potted
plants were placed around the sculpture's protrusion as a barrier. 


The Keller administration says it's willing to meet with the NFBNM to
address its concerns. "Our goal is to build an inclusive Albuquerque where
everyone is a valued part of the community," a spokeswoman for Keller's
office said Saturday. 


But advocates say the sculpture is just the "steel tip" of the iceberg when
it comes to ADA non-compliance issues in the city and their voices have gone
unheard for too long. Karen Cushnyr, an ADA council member, said Keller's
administration has not responded to phone calls or made staff available for
discussion on these issues. The ADAAC's concerns range from non-compliant
bathrooms in City Hall and inadequate or non-existent braille signage in
city buildings to ADA violations at Balloon Fiesta and a lack of input into
ART station accessibility. Cushnyr said the money spent on the "One
Albuquerque" sculpture could have been used to bring several Civic Plaza
bathrooms into compliance. 


"All we want is a seat at the table, all we want is to be considered first
and I hate to say it, but Mayor Keller made a lot of promises in his
campaign that we were going to be included in the conversation," Cushnyr
said. "It's a mindset and it's an attitude that hasn't changed yet.
Albuquerque hasn't put forth the money or the goodwill to make that happen."


The city has been criticized for its failure to address ADA compliance
issues even before Keller took office. In 2017, Albuquerque's Office of
Inspector General issued a report blasting city officials for what it called
a "systemic failure" to make city buildings and other infrastructure
accessible to people with disabilities, saying that officials appeared to
have a "laissez-faire attitude" when it came to complying with the federal
civil rights law. "While progress has been made in compliance with the
(American with Disabilities Act), it is insufficient - the city has had over
a quarter of a century to comply with the law and there are still thousands
of violations," Inspector General David T. Harper wrote in the report, which
was issued in November 2017. At the time, then-mayor Richard Berry's
administration disputed the conclusions reached by the IG, saying the city
had made ADA compliance a priority for new projects and had been setting
aside money to bring existing facilities into compliance. 







By Don Burns


2 cups bow tie pasta

1/2 cup fresh green chile, finally chopped

1/4 cup red bell pepper, finally chopped

2 tablespoons red onion, finally chopped

1/4 cup cilantro, finally chopped

1/2 box cream cheese, chilled

1/4 cup ranch dressing

Red chili powder 


Cook pasta as directed. Rinse in cold water and drain. Place pasta in
medium-sized bowl. Add the ranch and vegies and stir well. Cut the chilled
cream cheese into small squares and gently stir into pasta. Dust the top
with red chili powder and chill.




By Jim Babb


2 to 3 tablespoons crunchy peanut butter

2 slices whole wheat bread 

2 tablespoons raspberry jam

2 to 3 tart apple slices, about 1/4-inch thick 


Spread the peanut butter on each slice of bread. Spread the raspberry jam on
one of the slices of bread. Place the apple slices on top of the jam. Then
close the sandwich, and yum!




By Jim Babb



 <http://www.identitytheft.gov> www.identitytheft.gov 

Go here to find out how to place a security freeze on your account with the
three national credit bureaus: Trans Union, Experian, and Equifax. Your
personal information is out there, with all the major breaches of your
personal data that have happened with major and even small companies. For
example, the security breach at Equifax involved over half of all Americans.
Take action now to freeze your credit with all three bureaus. 


 <http://www.freewill.com> www.freewill.com 

Every adult needs a will, so that you, rather than the state of New Mexico,
decide who will get what when you die. This website recommends that you use
a secure browser such as Chrome to do your will on this site.


 <http://www.fakespot.com> www.fakespot.com 

This website analyzes reviews of products and services you wish to purchase
online and determines if the reviews are real or fake. I understand that a
large number of reviews are unfortunately fake.


The Legacy Technology Project

 <mailto:1nationundersound at gmail.com> 1nationundersound at gmail.com or phone:

Contact this group to purchase used but in good condition blindness
technology products such as Pac-Mates, Voice or Braille Notes and much more.





October 2019: Meet the Blind Month


October 15, 2019: White Cane Awareness Day


February 10, 2020: Washington Seminar and Great Gathering-In, Washington, DC


June 30-July 5, 2020: National Convention, Houston, TX




Best wishes,


Tonia Trapp, secretary

National Federation of the Blind of New Mexico

nfbnewmexicosecretary at gmail.com <mailto:nfbnewmexicosecretary at gmail.com> 

www.nfbnm.org <http://www.nfbnm.org> 


Live the life you want.

The National Federation of the Blind is a community of members and friends
who believe in the hopes and dreams of the nation's blind. Every day we work
together to help blind people live the lives they want.



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