[NFB-Seniors] Calendar for Senior Calls is Coming!

Robert Leslie Newman robertleslienewman at gmail.com
Tue Oct 8 17:54:01 UTC 2019

Hi You All


I am working on developing a Senior conference call calendar to show case
the dates, times, numbers to get on, and any specific meeting notes that I
get and am asked to post with the calendar dates. I would certainly take any
suggestions for improvements on this project . 


Today or tomorrow October's will come out. It will be sent to this list, and
to the email addresses I have for the 16 existing divisions, and the 2
groups And the 4 affiliates who are working on building a division or group.
Plus, they will go up on our NFB Seniors Division website. And at some
point, I to plan to get the calendar out to all affiliate presidents, with a
note to consider sharing it with their membership, to give seniors the
opportunity to dial in to one or more of these meetings; maybe the affiliate
without a senior division, can use our meetings as an additional option
serving the needs of their seniors.


Eventually, I'll have 12 pages for the calendar; showing January to
December, with all dates and calls for 2020. And, as a division or group
gets a topic together, like a special guest, and if I am giving that
information, I then would add that to the appropriate month's entry.


Respectfully yours,

Robert Leslie Newman

NFBN Senior Division, president

NFB Seniors Division, Second Vice President


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