[NFB-Seniors] putting braille on flash cards

Lauren Merryfield lauren7877 at outlook.com
Wed Dec 9 18:22:05 UTC 2020

Does anyone out there know of someone who can put braille on some English/Spanish flash cards? In contacting several transcribing units, I've discovered that they do documents, from computer, transcribing documents into braille, but not something as small as cards. The cards are about the size of business cards.

They said that if I could put the material in a pdf or Word document, they could braille them for me. I wouldn't know if the cards were upside-down or the backs instead of the fronts. Using the KNFB reader would take hours/days/months for me to do.

There used to be volunteer groups who would do something like this.

Please let me know if you know of someone, but not if you don't.
Lauren Merryfield

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