[nfb-talk] Enough already!

Ray Foret Jr rforetjr at att.net
Tue Dec 14 06:04:03 UTC 2010

Well well well, wonders truly never cease!!!

Now, let's see.  The cost of giving away Ibills verses the cost of modifying the money.  Seems to me the Ibill give away would be less expensive; and yet, I aint sure about that too much either.  Seems to me that, with the sorry fact that nowadays, people seem to be less trust worthy, maybe we do need another solution than just to learn to fold money in different ways.  Then again, there's cost no matter what solution you or I or anybody else could come up with.  The Ibill, at only $99.00 seems quite reasonably priced to me.  Maybe next year I'll break down and buy one of my very own.  
The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

Now A Very Proud and very happy Mac user!!!

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On Dec 13, 2010, at 10:19 PM, Mike Freeman wrote:

> Joshua:
> I think I'm going to surprise Ray with my response to you.  While I don't disagree with you, I guess I wonder what the problem is.  The iBill costs around a hundred bucks.  That's a little over ten packs of cigarettes, 25 beers or frapacinos, 5 movie tickets ... you get the idea.  Put another way, it's extraordinary how much we sometimes complain about the cost of access tech even when the cost is reasonable when we hear narry a peep when we frivolously consume comestibles that we could perfectly-well do without in order to save up for it.
> On the other hand, I believe the government giving away of currency identifiers such as the iBill was part of a proposal to handle the currency matter from the Department of the Treasury.
> Mike
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Joshua Lester" <jlester8462 at students.pccua.edu>
> To: "NFB Talk Mailing List" <nfb-talk at nfbnet.org>
> Sent: Monday, December 13, 2010 11:29 AM
> Subject: Re: [nfb-talk] Enough already!
>> Did anyone read my post from earlier in this thread? The solution to
>> this problem would be for the company that manufactures the Ibill, to
>> lower the price. That would be the way to go, (IMO.) Blessings, Joshua
>> On 12/13/10, Powers, Terry (NIH/OD/DEAS) [E] <Terry.Powers at nih.gov> wrote:
>>> I do not think the NFB is totally against changing curancy.  It is the cost
>>> and desiding what design would fit the needs of everyone and be easily
>>> identified.  We are in finantial trouble and it would caust way, way, more
>>> to restructure all of our bank machines and vending machines in the US than
>>> it most likely would cost to give those who could not afford one, an I-bill.
>>> We would have to have machines to transfer the old money into new or the
>>> machines would also have to accommodate the old bills.  This would be a long
>>> and had transaction.  It is not something that can be done over night.  I
>>> think finding jobs and cleaning up our finantial problem is much more
>>> important.  We have delt with currancy of the same size for many a year and
>>> it would just put our country in a deeper debt.  We need to find jobs for
>>> our people and get out of this recession.  I have an I-bill and since I am
>>> used to folding money and seperating my bills and I have a little sight,
>>> surprisingly, I do not use it as much as I thought I would.
>>> Terry Powers
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: John G. Heim [mailto:john at johnheim.net]
>>> Sent: Thursday, December 09, 2010 7:52 PM
>>> To: NFB Talk Mailing List
>>> Subject: Re: [nfb-talk] Enough already!
>>> You'd like to make me out to be a bad guy for arguing in favor of things
>>> like described video, accessible money, and audible walk signals. But its
>>> just not true. Those issues are at least debatable. The real question is why
>>> there are so few people on this list on my side.
>>> And I'd be only too willing to leave the NFB alone if it would leave me
>>> alone. But it keeps doing things that make my life harder and even more
>>> dangerous. This is an extraordinary thing for an advocacy group to do. You
>>> don't see groups for people in wheelchairs fighting against ramps and curb
>>> cuts. So again, I have to wonder why there aren't more people on my side on
>>> this list.
>>> I'm pretty sure, for example, that most blind people favor DVS, accessible
>>> money, and audible walk signals. I mean, I haven't done any formal surveys
>>> but when I tell blind people about the NFB positions, they are always
>>> shocked. Rest assured, I do my best to fairly represent the NFB position on
>>> these issues. I don't hate the NFB, after all. But still, given the way most
>>> people react to the NFB's positions on these issues, I have to wonder why
>>> there aren't more people on my side on this list.
>>> I want people to start using their heads instead of just passively accepting
>>> whatever the NFB tells them. The NFB tells them black is white, that up is
>>> down, and they just believe it. That's not even that much of an
>>> exaggeration. In the past few years, the NFB has told us that DVS would cost
>>> blind people jobs, that accessible money would cost us jobs, and that
>>> audible walk signals are dangerous.  These issues don't deserve debate?
>>> Oh, I think they do.
>>> PS: I have never complained to the moderator about anything, much less about
>>> being insulted on this list.
>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>> From: "T. Joseph Carter" <carter.tjoseph at gmail.com>
>>> To: "NFB Talk Mailing List" <nfb-talk at nfbnet.org>
>>> Sent: Thursday, December 09, 2010 2:05 PM
>>> Subject: [nfb-talk] Enough already!
>>>> David,
>>>> Have you noticed the trend of discussions on this list over the past
>>>> couple of years or so?  I have, and I've double-checked the archives to be
>>>> sure I wasn't reading something into it.  The pattern is that every large
>>>> discussion seems to involve one group of people arguing for the ability of
>>>> the blind, for the NFB, its policies, and its mission.  The other side of
>>>> the discussion is generally one person.
>>>> The pattern of the discussion is that the individual says something
>>>> incendiary against one of the above, something I have a hard time
>>>> accepting is unintentional at this point.  The group reacts, some with
>>>> distaste, some with disagreement, and some with anger.  This last group
>>>> has taken the bait, if you will.
>>>> This is where you come in, because inevitably the individual insists that
>>>> he is "offended" and "baselessly attacked" for his views.  You defend him,
>>>> going so far as to threaten to ban longtime regulars and well-respected
>>>> federationists.  The individual takes this as a sign that he may stand
>>>> behind you, and continue to insult not only us few here, but everything
>>>> this organization stands for.
>>>> The fact that there is not a single person on this list that does not know
>>>> of whom I speak is evidence in and of itself.  It's really got to stop.
>>>> Those who would not be flamed should not make a habit of setting fires.
>>>> Having set a few myself over the years, it comes with the territory.
>>>> Joseph
>>>> On Wed, Dec 08, 2010 at 10:19:24PM -0600, David Andrews wrote:
>>>>> This is a personal attack and is totally unacceptable.  You can disagree
>>>>> with someone -- but please stick to facts, not speculation etc.
>>>>> David Andrews, Moderator
>>>>> At 03:09 PM 12/6/2010, you wrote:
>>>>>> I agree Gloria.  He is a very shallow person, and I don't care of his
>>>>>> $250,000 house is paid off or not.  He could rip off Bernie Madoff, the
>>>>>> biggest cheat in the world, and he wouldn't impress me..smile.
>>>>>> Connie Canode
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