[NFB-Utah] NFB SL July Chapter Meeting

nfbutah at gmail.com nfbutah at gmail.com
Tue Jul 18 04:24:45 UTC 2023


Hello Fellow Federationists and Friends of the NFB of Utah Salt Lake Chapter,


Join us this month, Saturday July 22 at 11:00 AM, for this month’s chapter meeting. It will be held at the DSVVI building.  Chapter members will be highlighting and discussing many great talks and events that occurred during the NFB convention last week.  We will also be updating everyone on our Annual BBQ summer party and our meetings/events that will be happening during the fall.



Below is the minutes from our last chapter meeting.


NFB June Salt Lake Chapter Meeting

Held June 24th


Board Members Present:


Ken Duke, president

Danielle Frampton, first vice president

Chris Wycoff, secretary

Jodi Duke, board member

Tina Reisner, board member


Not attended


Ned Lindholm, second vice president

Mark Turley, treasurer

   Stephanie Cordova, board member


Ken welcomed everyone.

We listened to the presidential message from New Zealand. President Ricabona reminded us of Gay Pride celebrations happening in the country. He wanted everyone to pay special note of the NFB’s commitment to diversity and that the LBGT+ community were welcomed as full members of the NFB and discrimination should not be tolerated in all its forms. He reminded us that the national convention in Houston next week has a virtual component and members are encouraged to attend online if they are not going to the convention in person

Everette Bacon gave us the Utah affiliate report. He encouraged us to have our names placed on a Salt Lake Chapter letter going out to encourage our congressional  delegation  to support HR3702 in the house of representatives . That bill is the affordable technology act which would give a tax credit for purchases of technology for the blind.   Everette is working with the Utah Jazz to see if we can get an NFB promotional night with the Utah Jazz. His committee is also working on placing more braille books in local libraries.


Karl Smith gave a tech demonstration of a fairly new braille device called the Hable braille device. Karl liked the portable aspects and the size of the braille input.


Chris Wycoff is working on a date for a Laziz restaurant fund raiser. The owners have agreed to have a day in July when a portion of the proceeds from that day will be given to the NFB Salt Lake Chapter.

Ken lead a lively discussion on how we think of disability and blindness. He played a talk in which the subject of restored vision  was discussed. If it was possible would blind people actually elect to have their vision restored. A couple of individuals who were born blind mentioned that they would probably choose to stay blind. How important is sight? Do you really need It to be the person you are? It was an interesting discussion.




Follow us for events, announcements, and fun at:

Facebook:  <https://www.facebook.com/saltlakechapter/> Salt Lake Chapter of the National Federation of the Blind of Utah

 <https://www.facebook.com/saltlakechapter/> @saltlakechapte <https://www.facebook.com/saltlakechapter/> Twitter handle: @nfbutah_slc <https://www.facebook.com/saltlakechapter/> Instagram: nfbuslchapter

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