[Nfb-web] Let's End This

David Andrews dandrews at visi.com
Wed Jun 29 02:12:12 UTC 2016

OK folks, I guess some of you don't understand subtlety.  I don't 
think much of this conversation is productive and some people are 
using it to air their pet peeves against the NFB, Baltimore, blind 
people who don't use technology well etc.

I think all of us want the same thing, that is for the NFB and its 
affiliates, divisions and chapters to have accessible, usable, 
attractive and informative web sites.  It isn't easy, there are never 
all the resources we would want or like.  However, we aren't going to 
get there by taking shots at everything, so cut it out please!


p.s.  As an example, it doesn't accomplish anything by just saying 
the NFB web site sucks.  Write a plan, why isn't it good, what should 
it be, what should it have etc.  If you care then spend a little time 
in coming up with something positive.

I am not trying to pick on anyone who mentioned the site, I just used 
it as an example.


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