[Nfbc-info] Community Service

Darian Smith dsmithnfb at gmail.com
Fri Aug 14 21:09:04 UTC 2009

hello all,

 as you may or may not know; I am a recent AmeriCorps  Alumni; and as
such, I've spend alot of time  during my time in the Corps working on
many community service projectss.  While in the corps, i started to
think of ways to continue that ethic of service that I had gained, and
saw that  there were communitys and church groups that gave of their
time  and energy to better the communities that they lived in and
others who went beyond that to help communities that were  not the
ones that were their own.
  The thought that came  from this was the idea of starting a group
that  may one day form into a division that  focused on  community
service.  I feel like   It's very important for us, as members of
NFBC, and majorly, the NFB toseriously consider our roles in society
as not just   Advocates for the blind, but people who care about  the
communities around ourselves.  Not lost on me is the  fact that our
president has made service a major focus and has challanged every
american to get in volved in the service movement; something we all
should and can do.  So the Question is  why haven't we?  Why not?
 What better  way to  Practice what we preach in our  Philosiphy, what
we  talk about  in our centers, chapter meetings, and at conventions.
 I would like  to see something worked out for meet the blind month
where we, as a state get out there on a day; call it  "NFBC Service
day", and do a project,  Sure people can hand out litriture at some
point, but  let's not make that a main focus of our activities.
 Hopefully, it becomes a  thing that  we can do at least three  times
( martin luther king day- a big service day, and National Global youth
service day -possibly a cabs event and a challange event to get youth
involved in chapters and  doing  something for their communities).
   Any Takers?
Consider this a feeler- seeing what the vibe is  for something like this.
  If you have any questions, or wish to talk to me aboutthis a little
more; you may contact me  at  dsmithnfb at gmail.com as well, please feel
free to reply to this post.

 have a great day!
 Darian Smith
Alumni- AmeriCorps NCCC

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