[Nfbc-info] Can someone explain

David Andrews dandrews at visi.com
Mon Jun 15 22:22:50 UTC 2009

I don't know that anyone is lying!  There are many variables, and 
many ways to define things, so lots of numbers are possible.  What 
are the definitions for specific disabilities -- who is and who 
isn't.  Is it self reported or from another source.

The Department of Labor has actually started reporting too, and they 
place the percent of disabled who are unemployed at around 13 percent 
-- far below other figures.  It however, doesn't include people that 
DOL says aren't looking for job.  How many, how do you define etc.

Personally for me, the 40 per cent figure feels right -- but I could 
be wrong.  Either way -- most m9inorities would be outraged!


At 04:46 AM 6/15/2009, you wrote:
>    Hi chuck what bothers me and I haven't figured it out yet though 
> is most of the books articles I read show the disabled have a 70% 
> unemployment rate but the disability site I gave the link for says 
> that figure is half or less than half. If correct this would 
> suggest NFB and other agencies are either uninformed about people 
> with disabilities or they are outright lying about the jobless rate 
> of blind consumers between the ages of 18 and 65.
>I have a web resource on the mental impairment terminology which I 
>will check out and get back in a couple days when I have a chance to 
>finish two school projects I'm in the least three weeks of this term 
>and because we want to go to Sacramento this week or next that means 
>I need to finish most or all of the school work or carry the 
>laptop.  I don't want to do the papers on the laptop although I 
>could do discussion forums using it.
>Our instructor doesn't like us to even use third person language 
>because he says it compartmentalizes people. Better to say a person 
>who happens to be blind than "the blind"

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