[Nfbc-info] Golden Gate National Recreation Area Focus Group

Jonathan Lyens jonathan at lyens.com
Sat May 9 15:44:16 UTC 2009

Fellow Federationists, 


I encourage everyone to attend this upcoming event. It will be held at
the San Francisco LightHouse for the Blind. This is a ripe opportunity
to help express what accommodations blind people really need, and to
instill a positive view on blindness in the minds of such a large
federally funded agency. I find one thing troubling immediately; this
event is held from 1-3 p.m. on a Tuesday. I suppose they are assuming
blind people do not have anywhere to be for 2 hours on a Tuesday
afternoon. But, I will follow-up with these people to investigate
weather or not there is a method for those of us who are employed to
share our ideas also. 




focus group: 

May 19  1:00pm -3:00pm

LightHouse for the Blind and Visually Impaired

214 Van Ness Ave

San Francisco

The Golden Gate National Recreation Area (GGNRA) wants to know about
access problems faced by people who are blind or low vision who use
their parks, including Alcatraz, Crissy Field, Fort Mason, Marin
Headlands, and Muir Woods. Have you had difficulties with wayfinding,
not getting materials in alternate formats, or problems using audio
materials or the GGNRA website? Come to a focus group to share your
experiences and suggestions. Space is limited so a reservation is
needed. To RSVP, or for more information, contact Bill or Victoria
Bruckner, consultants at brucknerconsultants.com or 



Jonathan T. Lyens MPA 

Email: jonathan at lyens.com 

Fax: (321) 256-8896 

Skype: jlyens 


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