[Nfbc-info] An idea from Beach Cities Chapter

Juliett Cody julietcody at cox.net
Mon May 10 17:13:24 UTC 2010

Good Morning Federationists,

Fred Chambers was contacted this morning by someone looking for blind 
baby raising advice. The mother and baby are in Oceanside. She is frustrated at the lack of information available for her. Obviously, the doctors know nothing about our chapter, blindness organizations, the truths of blindness, or that we are working on a Parents of Blind Children chapter  in conjunction with Beach Cities Chapter right here in North County.

I know this is an awareness slap, on the face  telling  all of us to work harder. Apparently, we are not getting the word out. This mother had never heard of the NFBC or our  state wide Parents with Blind Children's  Chapter.  
There is not a doubt that the Beach Cities Chapter immediately started working on this issue today. We are going to have a conference meeting before our next chapter meeting (time and date is to be announce). I'm taking the initiative to invite everyone to join us, in fact I think it would be wonderful if we could interest every chapter president to call in. The Beach Cities Chapter believes we should take  this one step further ( with the NFBC board approval of course), and we could suggest this as a state-wide effort.
Each chapter should cover some doctors in their area, and get literature from the state office to distribute to them. We probably don't need to contact every doctor.  but we can brainstorm  at the meeting, and decide which types of doctors should get which info. 

What do y'all think?What does the board think? 
Thanks Juliet Cody and Fred Chambers
President and Vice President Beach Cities 

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