[Nfbc-info] Fwd: OCB Administrator Recruitment California

David Chan ACB/ALB chandtw at PacBell.NET
Thu Feb 17 05:54:30 UTC 2011

>The Department of Rehabilitation (DOR) is recruiting an 
>Administrator for the Orientation Center for the Blind (OCB).  The 
>OCB Administrator administers the OCB three (3) acre residential 
>campus, located in Albany California. The program provides 
>rehabilitative training in adjusting to living with sight 
>loss.   OCB is a residential 30-bed facility. The program assists 
>adults to adjust to vision disabilities by immersion in a 
>residential environment that is respectful, of individuals 
>experiencing sight loss, and knowledgeable in the physical and 
>social process of adjusting and integrating back into society.
>If you have received this more than once, we apologize, however, to 
>ensure that all interested and eligible individuals are informed of 
>the opportunity, we are sharing the recruitment with you, and we 
>request your assistance in distributing the recruitment to all 
>interested individuals and organizations.
>Attached are the files comprising The recruitment package which include:
>    * A-0 Community Recruitment Announcement.doc
>    * A-1 Orientation Center for the Blind Program Discription.doc
>    * A-2 OCB Administrator Duty Statement.doc
>    * A-3 Management Desired Competencies 9-2010.doc
>    * A-4 Department of Rehabilitation FACT SHEET.docx
>    * A-5 SSM II Classification Specification.doc
>    * A-6 State Application instructions.doc
>    * A-7 State Application std678.pdf
>    * A-8 Application Screen Reader Tips.doc
>Your assistance in distributing this recruitment is greatly 
>appreciated.  We respectfully request you forward the announcement 
>to your networks and any individual you believe may be interested in 
>the opportunity.
>Thank you
>Joe Xavier
>Deputy Director, Specialized Services Division
>Tel: 916 558-5817
>Fax: 916 558-5806
>E-mail: JXavier at dor.ca.gov

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Name: A-1 Orientation Center for the Blind Program	Discription1.doc
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