[Nfbc-info] FW: [braille-n-teach] Announcements: The 2011 Transition Summit And Chemistry Camp at Enchanted Hills Camp, Napa Ca, April 29th to May 1st

Tina Thomas tinadt at sbcglobal.net
Sat Feb 19 22:05:56 UTC 2011

Subject: [braille-n-teach] Announcements: The 2011 Transition Summit And Chemistry Camp at Enchanted Hills Camp, Napa Ca, April 29th to May 1st



Colleagues, in the body of this email are two announcements for retreats for blind and low vision transition aged teens and young adults that will be hosted at Enchanted Hills Camp in Napa from Friday afternoon, April 29th through Sunday, May 1st, 2011.  The first is the notice for the Dept. of Rehabilitation sponsored Transition Summit followed by the Chemistry Camp.  Both events will occur at the same time.  Some, but not all of the weekends events and sessions will overlap, while at other times, each group will have unique programming.  Transportation pick up points for both groups will include the LightHouse in San Francisco as well as the Ashby BART station (Ed Roberts Campus) in the east bay.  Other pick up points may be added.

Please read ahead for details on each of the offerings and make your referrals accordingly.  Plans are underway for a compelling learning experience this spring at Enchanted Hills Camp.  Make your referrals today!


Best regards,


Richard Rueda

Director of Community Services



Announcing the 2011 Transition Summit

“A Scientific Approach to Career Success”

Would you like to learn the essential qualities employers seek when hiring new employees? Do you have the motivation to enhance your job readiness skills? Do you want to learn how you as a blind person can work for the company of your choice? Are you interested in how blind professionals use science in their careers every day?

Then the 2011 Transition Summit is for you!

Come join the LightHouse for the Blind And Visually Impaired of San Francisco, the California Association of Blind Students, National Federation of the Blind of California, the University of California, Davis Chemistry department, and up to fifteen blind transitional age youth for an Educational, Exciting and Fun-Filled weekend!
When: Friday, April 29th through Sunday, May 1st 2011.
Where: Enchanted Hills Camp near Napa, California.
Who: Up to 15 blind students will be selected to participate.
Cost: There is no cost to apply for the program however; a referral from your department of rehabilitation counselor will need to be submitted with your application.  Individuals who are not Department of Rehabilitation clients may apply for a scholarship.

Interested in attending and for additional details, please contact Arlena Winn at 415-694-7357 or via email at awinn at lighthouse-sf.org




Announcing the 2011 California Chemistry Camp for Blind High School Students!

Would you like to learn how blind people tackle the very visual subject of organic chemistry successfully? Do you have a general love for science? Do you want to learn how you can do chemistry as a blind person just as successfully as your sighted peers? Are you interested in how blind professionals use science in their careers every day? Then the 2011 California Chemistry Camp is for you!

Come join the National Federation of the Blind of California, the California Association of Blind Students, the Lighthouse for the Blind of San Francisco, the University of California , Davis chemistry department, and up to twelve blind high school students for an Educational, exciting, and Fun-Filled weekend of science!
When: Friday, April 29 through Sunday, May 1, 2011.
Where: Enchanted Hills Camp near Napa , California .
Who: Up to twelve blind high school students ages 14-18 will be selected to participate.
Cost: There is no cost to apply for the program. Once accepted, however, donations from students or parents to the National Federation of the Blind of California would be most appreciated to off-set the expenses associated with the program.

Interested in attending, please complete the application form. <http://www.formstack.com/forms/?1042109-Uvo8jz8rO6> 

For more information contact Henry Wedler at Hobywedler at gmail.com or by visiting www.sixdots.org <http://www.sixdots.org/> . 




Richard Rueda 
Director of Community Services
LightHouse for the Blind and Visually Impaired
214 Van Ness Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94102
Direct: (415) 694-7334
Email: rueda at lighthouse-sf.org
 <http://www.lighthouse-sf.org> www.lighthouse-sf.org


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