[Nfbc-info] This American Life

Eric Calhoun eric at pmpmail.com
Tue May 15 05:10:22 UTC 2012

Brian, I couldn't agree with you more.  I think both organizations need to
encourage positive portrayals of blind people.  Braille Institute has had
positive influences for people who are blind.  I was featured in a video
called BRIDGES TO INDEPENDENCE.  I'll be going, twice, down to San Diego,
one, to acclimate someone to the area, and two, to attend a Blindness

In NFB, it's about working together for a common cause.  Both NFB, (and
ACB) need to speak out on negative portrayals of blind people, but both
organizations must provide positive feedback, as well.  I see too many of
us wanting to complain, and very few writing letters.  I personally found
the Mr. Magoo movie for example, to be degrading and demeaning.  And so, I
wrote to Disney to urge them to pull the movie.  They did not listen to me.
 I gave them an alternative to Magoo, they did not take me up on it.  

You are not alone here, Brian.  Do I have a witness here?

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