[Nfbc-info] April 2015 Bulletin

Mary Willows mwillows at sbcglobal.net
Fri Apr 3 00:05:40 UTC 2015

2014 NFB Logo CMYK Rect



Mary Willows, President 

National Federation of the Blind of California

3934 Kern Court

Pleasanton, CA 94588

925) 895-2778

mwillows at sbcglobal.net



April 2015 Bulletin


Dear Fellow Federationists,

I start this April Bulletin with our new branding.  The following is the
essence of the 75 years of love, hope and determination.  Commit it to
memory.  It will get you through all kinds of situations.

"The National Federation of the Blind knows that blindness is not the
characteristic that defines you or your future.  Every day we raise the
expectations of blind people, because low expectations create obstacles
between blind people and our dreams.  You can live the life you want;
blindness is not what holds you back."


Chapter Development in California

I am pleased to announce that the Pathfinder Chapter Los Angeles of the
National Federation of the Blind of California has increased membership
dramatically since the start of the 75th anniversary campaign. We hold an
annual chapter development reception every February. This year, like the
past four years since we started this event, the reception has brought in
even more members. Not only is the chapter growing in numbers, but the new
members are coming in with new and fresh ideas. They are eager to learn
about the organization. Since the start of the campaign in November 2014,
the Pathfinder chapter Los Angeles has brought in ten new members. -Rochelle

Treasurer, National Federation of the Blind of California President,
Pathfinder Chapter Los Angeles.


First Annual Senior Division Seminar Saturday, April 11, 2015

The National Federation of the Blind of California Senior Division is
inviting you to join us for a seminar in knowledge, information, & methods
of living with blindness. We are planning on door prizes and lots of fun!


WHEN: Saturday, April 11, 2015

TIME: Noon - 3pm

WHERE: Hometown Buffet

12139 Hawthorne Blvd. Hawthorne, CA 90230



RSVP by March 31st, CONTACT:

Charlotte Carroll - (310) 625-6558, email
<mailto:mizzcharlotte at sbcglobal.net> mizzcharlotte at sbcglobal.net

Cheryl Thurston - (909) 821-9589, email   <mailto:cthurston79 at gmail.com>
cthurston74 at gmail.com


Join us for our First Senior Division Seminar in Sacramento in May

We will also be holding a Senior Seminar in Sacramento, May 16, 2015. It
will be held in conjunction with the Hair in the Wind fundraising event for
the River City Chapter. RSVP by May 10, 2015.


WHEN: Saturday, May 16, 2015

TIME:  1:00 - 4:00

WHERE:  Society for the Blind

1238 S Street, Sacramento, CA 95811

CONTACT: Charlotte Carroll - (310) 625-6558

email  <mailto:mizzcharlotte at sbcglobal.net> mizzcharlotte at sbcglobal.net

Stay Connected With the New App, NFB Connect

There's now another easy way to stay connected with the National Federation
of the Blind (NFB) if you have an iPhone, iPad, or other iOS device.  Our
new mobile app, NFB Connect, is finally here!  You can find it in the Apple
App Store, or just use the following link on your iOS device to download it


With NFB Connect, you can quickly and easily read the latest news about the
NFB, find information about upcoming events, access the Braille Monitor and
other publications, listen to the presidential releases, find the NFB in
your community, learn about ways to support the National Federation of the
Blind, and more!  Download the free NFB Connect app today!  Any feedback
regarding the app can be sent via email to  <mailto:mobileapp at nfb.org>
mobileapp at nfb.org

"I personally use this every day.  This app is fabulous!" - Mary Willows


Sending Our Get Well Wishes to Mr. Whozit,  Cal Sanders

Recently our good friend and member, Cal Sanders, underwent some pretty
extensive surgery to remove cancerous cells from his kidney.  I am so
pleased to report that Cal is up and about and recovering right on schedule.
If you remember, Cal Sanders dressed up in full regalia as Whozit for
several public education events held in California.  Here's to a speedy
recovery.  See you at the next convention. 


Stand Up 4 Transportation Day

April 9, 2015 is Stand Up 4 Transportation Day.  Moving Ahead for Progress
in the 21st Century (MAP-21) is the current transportation funding bill.
MAP-21 will expire on May 31, 2015.  Blind and visually impaired people must
have good and reliable public transportation to travel independently to
school and work.  Please call your congressional representative on April 9
and voice your support for federal funding commitment for MAP-2. For more
information, go to:



Your Phone Service is Changing - Here's What You Need to Know

Experts estimate that by 2020, customers will be required to switch from old
landline phone networks to cell phone and Internet-based phone service.  We
have requested that the three informational brochures be made available in
Braille.  Let our voices be heard to the Consumer Action Group by calling or
emailing Ken McEldowney and tell him that we need to have this information
produce in Braille.  Contact: Ken McEldowney 800-999-7981or
<mailto:info at consumer-action.org> info at consumer-action.org.


750 Braille Books Needed

The National Organization of Parents of Blind Children will once again hold
a Braille Book Fair at the annual convention of the National Federation of
the Blind in Orlando, Florida on July 7, 2015 from 5:00 - 7:00 p.m.  Gently
used but no longer needed children's books are being accepted at the
following address:

UPS, Elainna Moore - HR Dept, 8901 Atlantic Avenue, Orlando, FL 32824.  For
more information contact, Krystal Guillory at 318-245-8955 or
<mailto:kguillory at lcb-ruston.com> kguillory at lcb-ruston.com

Please note:  it is helpful if you write the content/ type of book on the
outside of the box.  And, remember: all books can be shipped FREE MATTER FOR


The National Federation of the blind knows that blindness is not the
characteristic that defines you or your future.  Every day we raise the
expectations of blind people because low expectations create obstacles
between blind people and our dreams. 

You can live the life you want; blindness is not what holds you back.


National Federation of the Blind of California (NFBC)

3934 Kern Court

Pleasanton, CA 94588



Thank you,

Mary Willows, President NFBC

 <mailto:mwillows at sbcglobal.net> mwillows at sbcglobal.net 




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