[Nfbc-info] Nixle and Re: FW: Information on the Atlas Fire

Jennifer Frazier jenniferlynnfrazier at gmail.com
Sat Oct 14 20:46:59 UTC 2017

Thank you Lauren,

I wanted to share Nixle with everyone. It's an emergency alerting web
site. The web site link is:

>From their web site: "Nixle keeps you up-to-date with relevant
information from your local public safety departments & schools"

If you have a cell phone, you can text 888777 and in the message type
your zip code, then hit send. You will be automatically signed up for
English language alerts for emergency messages in your area. If you
need Spanish, the reply text includes simple instructions for
requesting Spanish language alerts.

It's a Good service for all of us to utalize...we never know when an
emergency situation will occur.

Take care,


On 10/14/17, Lauren Merryfield via NFBC-Info <nfbc-info at nfbnet.org> wrote:
> Hi,
> Here’s some good info on the fire.
> Thanks,
> Lauren
> Blessings in Jesus’ name! 
> Philippians 2:9-11
>  <http://bibleapps.com/philippians/2-9.htm> 9Why God also has highly exalted
> him, and given him a name which is above every name:
> <http://bibleapps.com/philippians/2-10.htm> 10That at the name of Jesus
> every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things
> under the earth;  <http://bibleapps.com/philippians/2-11.htm> 11And that
> every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God
> the Father.
> Advice from my cats:"Meow when you feel like it."
> From: Congressman John Garamendi [mailto:CA03JG.Outreach at mail.house.gov]
> Sent: Friday, October 13, 2017 1:04 PM
> To: lauren at catlines.com
> Subject: Information on the Atlas Fire
> News from Representative Garamendi
> Click here to open this e-mail in its own browser window
> <https://iqconnect.lmhostediq.com/iqextranet/view_newsletter_setup.aspx?link=CA03JG%2501100424%2501Information%2bon%2bthe%2bAtlas%2bFire%250113262.6307131.5061740.773988%2501lauren%2540catlines.com%2501Ms.%2bMerryfield%2501Ms.%2bLauren%2bL.%2bMerryfield%25011625%2bWoodcreek%2bDr.%2bApt%2b2%252c%2bFairfield%252c%2bCa%253cbr%253e%250d%250aFairfield%252c%2bCA%2b94534%2501>
>      Click here to open a plain text version of this email
> <https://iqconnect.lmhostediq.com/iqextranet/view_newsletter_setup.aspx?plain_text=Y&link=CA03JG%2501100424%2501Information%2bon%2bthe%2bAtlas%2bFire%250113262.6307131.5061740.773988%2501lauren%2540catlines.com%2501Ms.%2bMerryfield%2501Ms.%2bLauren%2bL.%2bMerryfield%25011625%2bWoodcreek%2bDr.%2bApt%2b2%252c%2bFairfield%252c%2bCa%253cbr%253e%250d%250aFairfield%252c%2bCA%2b94534%2501>
> Dear Friend,
> As you know, the Atlas Fire has forced some mandatory and voluntary
> evacuations in Solano County. Here's some helpful links to keep track of the
> latest news about the fire:
> *	Immediate, real-time updates are available from
> <https://iqconnect.lmhostediq.com/iqextranet/iqClickTrk.aspx?&cid=CA03JG&crop=13262.6307131.5061740.773988&report_id=&redirect=https%3a%2f%2ftwitter.com%2fcal_fire&redir_log=410380865331199>
> Cal Fire's twitter account
> *	
> <https://iqconnect.lmhostediq.com/iqextranet/iqClickTrk.aspx?&cid=CA03JG&crop=13262.6307131.5061740.773988&report_id=&redirect=http%3a%2f%2fwww.fire.ca.gov%2fcurrent_incidents%2fincidentdetails%2fIndex%2f1866&redir_log=273779874179461>
> Monitor Cal Fire’s website for further updates on containment and evacuation
> information
> *	Updates about evacuation orders and shelters are available from the Solano
> County Sheriff’s Office:
> <https://iqconnect.lmhostediq.com/iqextranet/iqClickTrk.aspx?&cid=CA03JG&crop=13262.6307131.5061740.773988&report_id=&redirect=http%3a%2f%2fsolanocounty.com%2f&redir_log=641436924644170>
> Website,
> <https://iqconnect.lmhostediq.com/iqextranet/iqClickTrk.aspx?&cid=CA03JG&crop=13262.6307131.5061740.773988&report_id=&redirect=https%3a%2f%2ftwitter.com%2fSolanoSheriff&redir_log=842108194768235>
> Twitter,
> <https://iqconnect.lmhostediq.com/iqextranet/iqClickTrk.aspx?&cid=CA03JG&crop=13262.6307131.5061740.773988&report_id=&redirect=https%3a%2f%2fwww.facebook.com%2fSolanoSheriff%2f&redir_log=086982476873273>
> Facebook
> *	The Solano Sheriff’s office has developed an
> <https://iqconnect.lmhostediq.com/iqextranet/iqClickTrk.aspx?&cid=CA03JG&crop=13262.6307131.5061740.773988&report_id=&redirect=https%3a%2f%2fdoitgis.maps.arcgis.com%2fapps%2fwebappviewer%2findex.html%3fid%3d735e292898ed457ca3273954a22c1466&redir_log=570625527499603>
> interactive map to view evacuation statuses in your area
> *	To receive instant alerts via text message from local law enforcement,
> text your zip code to 888777. A service called
> <https://iqconnect.lmhostediq.com/iqextranet/iqClickTrk.aspx?&cid=CA03JG&crop=13262.6307131.5061740.773988&report_id=&redirect=http%3a%2f%2fwww.nixle.com%2f&redir_log=579874962517145>
> NIXLE is delivering real-time updates to residents impacted by the fires.
> If you are living under a voluntary evacuation advisory, now is the time to
> make sure you are prepared in case of emergency. Here's an overview from of
> how to build and maintain a proper go-kit:
> Basic Disaster Supplies Kit
> To assemble your kit, store items in airtight plastic bags and put your
> entire disaster supplies kit in one or two easy-to-carry containers such as
> plastic bins or a duffel bag.
> A basic emergency supply kit could include the following recommended items:
> *	
> <https://iqconnect.lmhostediq.com/iqextranet/iqClickTrk.aspx?&cid=CA03JG&crop=13262.6307131.5061740.773988&report_id=&redirect=https%3a%2f%2fwww.ready.gov%2fwater&redir_log=552590210126192>
> Water - one gallon of water per person per day for at least three days, for
> drinking and sanitation
> *	
> <https://iqconnect.lmhostediq.com/iqextranet/iqClickTrk.aspx?&cid=CA03JG&crop=13262.6307131.5061740.773988&report_id=&redirect=https%3a%2f%2fwww.ready.gov%2ffood&redir_log=827364655812183>
> Food - at least a three-day supply of non-perishable food
> *	Battery-powered or hand crank radio and a NOAA Weather Radio with tone
> alert
> *	Flashlight
> *	First aid kit
> *	Extra batteries
> *	Whistle to signal for help
> *	Dust mask to help filter contaminated air and plastic sheeting and duct
> tape to
> <https://iqconnect.lmhostediq.com/iqextranet/iqClickTrk.aspx?&cid=CA03JG&crop=13262.6307131.5061740.773988&report_id=&redirect=https%3a%2f%2fwww.ready.gov%2fshelter&redir_log=719763135584207>
> shelter-in-place
> *	Moist towelettes, garbage bags and plastic ties for personal sanitation
> *	Wrench or pliers to
> <https://iqconnect.lmhostediq.com/iqextranet/iqClickTrk.aspx?&cid=CA03JG&crop=13262.6307131.5061740.773988&report_id=&redirect=https%3a%2f%2fwww.ready.gov%2fsafety-skills&redir_log=538420203386250>
> turn off utilities
> *	Manual can opener for food
> *	Local maps
> *	Cell phone with chargers and a backup battery
> *	Photo albums and any other items that can't be replaced
> Download the
> <https://iqconnect.lmhostediq.com/iqextranet/iqClickTrk.aspx?&cid=CA03JG&crop=13262.6307131.5061740.773988&report_id=&redirect=http%3a%2f%2fwww.fema.gov%2fmedia-library%2fassets%2fdocuments%2f90354&redir_log=080912437253380>
> Recommended Supplies List (PDF)
> Additional Emergency Supplies
> Consider adding the following items to your emergency supply kit based on
> your individual needs:
> *	Prescription medications
> *	Non-prescription medications such as pain relievers, anti-diarrhea
> medication, antacids or laxatives
> *	Glasses and contact lense solution
> *	Infant formula, bottles, diapers, wipes, diaper rash cream
> *	Pet food and extra water for your pet
> *	Cash or traveler's checks
> *	Important family documents such as copies of insurance policies,
> identification and bank account records saved electronically or in a
> waterproof, portable container
> *	Sleeping bag or warm blanket for each person
> *	Complete change of clothing appropriate for your climate and sturdy shoes
> *	Household chlorine bleach and medicine dropper to disinfect water
> *	Fire extinguisher
> *	Matches in a waterproof container
> *	Feminine supplies and personal hygiene items
> *	Mess kits, paper cups, plates, paper towels and plastic utensils
> *	Paper and pencil
> *	Books, games, puzzles or other activities for children
> Maintaining Your Kit
> After assembling your kit remember to maintain it so it’s ready when
> needed:
> *	Keep canned food in a cool, dry place
> *	Store boxed food in tightly closed plastic or metal containers
> *	Replace expired items as needed
> *	Re-think your needs every year and update your kit as your family’s needs
> change.
> Kit Storage Locations
> Since you do not know where you will be when an emergency occurs, prepare
> supplies for home, work and vehicles.
> *	Home: Keep this kit in a designated place and have it ready in case you
> have to leave your home quickly. Make sure all family members know where the
> kit is kept.
> *	Work: Be prepared to shelter at work for at least 24 hours. Your work kit
> should include food, water and other necessities like medicines, as well as
> comfortable walking shoes, stored in a “grab and go” case.
> *	Vehicle: In case you are stranded, keep a kit of emergency supplies
> <https://iqconnect.lmhostediq.com/iqextranet/iqClickTrk.aspx?&cid=CA03JG&crop=13262.6307131.5061740.773988&report_id=&redirect=https%3a%2f%2fwww.ready.gov%2fcar&redir_log=677260896081175>
> in your car.
> I will continue to post updates on my
> <https://iqconnect.lmhostediq.com/iqextranet/iqClickTrk.aspx?&cid=CA03JG&crop=13262.6307131.5061740.773988&report_id=&redirect=https%3a%2f%2fiqconnect.lmhostediq.com%2fiqextranet%2fiqClickTrk.aspx%3f%26cid%3dCA03JG%26crop%3d0000.0000.0000.0000%26report_id%3d%26redirect%3dhttps%253a%252f%252fwww.facebook.com%252frepgaramendi%26redir_log%3d190272338345264&redir_log=73480002551350>
> Facebook and
> <https://iqconnect.lmhostediq.com/iqextranet/iqClickTrk.aspx?&cid=CA03JG&crop=13262.6307131.5061740.773988&report_id=&redirect=https%3a%2f%2fiqconnect.lmhostediq.com%2fiqextranet%2fiqClickTrk.aspx%3f%26cid%3dCA03JG%26crop%3d0000.0000.0000.0000%26report_id%3d%26redirect%3dhttps%253a%252f%252ftwitter.com%252frepgaramendi%26redir_log%3d248778493268230&redir_log=02257188561318>
> Twitter pages. Please stay safe and comply with all evacuation orders.
> Sincerely,
> Member of Congress
> <https://iqconnect.lmhostediq.com/iqextranet/iqClickTrk.aspx?&cid=CA03JG&crop=13262.6307131.5061740.773988&redirect=https%3a%2f%2fwww.facebook.com%2frepgaramendi%2f&redir_log=584918976826260>
> <https://iqconnect.lmhostediq.com/iqextranet/iqClickTrk.aspx?&cid=CA03JG&crop=13262.6307131.5061740.773988&report_id=&redirect=https%3a%2f%2ftwitter.com%2fRepGaramendi&redir_log=100198145172227>
> <https://iqconnect.lmhostediq.com/iqextranet/iqClickTrk.aspx?&cid=CA03JG&crop=13262.6307131.5061740.773988&redirect=https%3a%2f%2ftwitter.com%2fRepGaramendi&redir_log=112471244634220>
> <https://iqconnect.lmhostediq.com/iqextranet/iqClickTrk.aspx?&cid=CA03JG&crop=13262.6307131.5061740.773988&report_id=&redirect=https%3a%2f%2ftwitter.com%2fRepGaramendi&redir_log=100198145172227>
> <https://iqconnect.lmhostediq.com/iqextranet/iqClickTrk.aspx?&cid=CA03JG&crop=13262.6307131.5061740.773988&redirect=https%3a%2f%2fwww.youtube.com%2fuser%2fgaramendiCA10&redir_log=461227263968280>
> <https://iqconnect.lmhostediq.com/iqextranet/iqClickTrk.aspx?&cid=CA03JG&crop=13262.6307131.5061740.773988&redirect=https%3a%2f%2fwww.flickr.com%2fphotos%2frepgaramendi%2f&redir_log=379387312884297>
> Welcome to the on-line office for Congressman John Garamendi. Please visit
> the
> <https://iqconnect.lmhostediq.com/iqextranet/iqClickTrk.aspx?&cid=CA03JG&crop=13262.6307131.5061740.773988&report_id=&redirect=https%3a%2f%2fgaramendi.house.gov%2fcontact-me&redir_log=924429640633267>
> Contact Me page to contact John electronically or click on the office
> location nearest you for details.
> Washington, DC Office
> 2438 Rayburn HOB Washington, DC 20515
> Phone: (202) 225-1880
> Fax: (202) 225-5914
> Davis Office
> 412 G Street
> Davis, CA 95616
> Phone: 530-753-530
> Fax: 530-753-5614
> Fairfield Office
> 1261 Travis Blvd, Suite 130
> Fairfield, CA 94533
> Phone: (707) 438-1822
> Fax: (707) 438-0523
> Yuba City Office
> 795 Plumas Street
> Yuba City, CA 95991
> Phone: (530) 329-8865
> Fax: (530) 763-4248
> <https://iqconnect.lmhostediq.com/iqextranet/iqClickTrk.aspx?&cid=CA03JG&crop=13262.6307131.5061740.773988&report_id=&redirect=https%3a%2f%2fgaramendi.house.gov%2fcontact-me%2fnewsletter-unsubscribe&redir_log=367694279478437>
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