[NFBCS] Board Approval

Bryan Duarte bjduarte at asu.edu
Fri Mar 6 22:56:57 UTC 2020

Hello all,

Can we please, please, again I say please! put this debate on whether or not we need approval and who gives it, to bed? 

Here is the deal, we are a division of the National Federation of the Blind. We do our work by coming together and making it happen as members. Several people voiced that the NFB Computer Science division should have a web presence. I personally agree with this, therefore I am making an effort to start the process. As the members of this division we need to come together to make this happen. The NFB is not a "drop your ideas off on Monday, pick them up on Friday type of organization." If we want a web presence lets make it happen. Of course there will be things we need approval for but I promise you; the people with that responsibility and authority are not only aware of this but members and contributors to this list. No one is going to go behind the back of the NFB or division and put up some website without proper permissions and guidelines in place. For one none of us have that kind of time, and if you do then you should be volunteering to handle some big portions of this process. Brian B. is the president and he is aware of what is being discussed, David Andrews is in charge of server access, he is apart of this list, and the board is also apart of this list so they too are well aware. Can we please focus on the goal of creating a web presence, and let the proper people in charge of receiving and granting permissions handle their job? If we cannot even come together to discuss a website there is no reason to worry about permissions. 

With this all being said, I did create a Slack work space for us to brainstorm and discuss this further. If you need the link to join the Slack work space it is below. Can we start working on selecting a date and time to meet over Zoom to discuss our ideas and next steps.

https://join.slack.com/t/nfbcomputersc-kuf4276/shared_invite/enQtOTY5ODA4Njk0MzU0LTM3ZDhkODQ5NzBiMjQ2NzE0MDlkMTkyMWFiNDk4MmNjMTQ5OGYxNTgwYjUxNDdiNzNkYWI4ZDIzN2E3OGNiZjQ <https://join.slack.com/t/nfbcomputersc-kuf4276/shared_invite/enQtOTY5ODA4Njk0MzU0LTM3ZDhkODQ5NzBiMjQ2NzE0MDlkMTkyMWFiNDk4MmNjMTQ5OGYxNTgwYjUxNDdiNzNkYWI4ZDIzN2E3OGNiZjQ> 

Bryan Duarte | software engineer

Arizona State University Computer Science Ph.D Student
IGERT Fellow <http://www.igert.org/projects/264.html>
Alliance for Person-centered Accessible Technology
Center for Cognitive Ubiquitous Computing <https://cubic.asu.edu/>
Google Scholar Profile <https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=MQPPCGYAAAAJ>

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