[Nfbf-l] [Bulk] my guide dog merry

Joe Minichiello jbmini at comcast.net
Tue Aug 11 23:26:28 UTC 2009

I know how hard of a time it's been for you. If I can help just let me know.
Joe Minichiello, Second Vice President
National Federation of the Blind of Florida
President, Greater Jacksonville Chapter
jbmini at comcast.net
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Sherrill O'Brien" <sherrill.obrien at verizon.net>
To: "NFB of Florida Listserv" <nfbf-l at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Tuesday, August 11, 2009 4:13 PM
Subject: Re: [Nfbf-l] [Bulk] my guide dog merry

> Hello all,
> Thanks so very much to all of you who have sent your words of 
> encouragement.
> We're just taking things one day at a time here.  I can tell you that 
> Merry
> is sure enjoying the peanut butter or cheese treats  in which I'm hiding 
> her
> pills!  I appreciate all the good thoughts and prayers!
> Sherrill and Merry
> -----Original Message-----
> From: nfbf-l-bounces at nfbnet.org [mailto:nfbf-l-bounces at nfbnet.org]On
> Behalf Of elizabeth McNally
> Sent: Tuesday, August 11, 2009 3:39 PM
> To: 'NFB of Florida Listserv'
> Subject: Re: [Nfbf-l] [Bulk] my guide dog merry
> Dear Sherrill,
> There are no words to express the sadness I feel right now hearing of 
> Mary's
> illness. I know that it will be difficult no matter how much we prepare or
> think we are prepared when the end comes. Just know that we all in your 
> family will be grieving with you during this time. I am glad to hear that
> she had a good weekend and hope that she will have several more good days. 
> I
> pray that she is not in too much pain. You, Mary, and your entire family 
> are
> in our toughts and prayers.
> Betty and the Miami-Dade county Chapter
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