[Nfbf-l] Cruise video

Dan Hicks danjhicks at yahoo.com
Sat Nov 17 17:50:20 UTC 2012

Fellow Federation members


I hope everyone is excited about our NFBF 2014 Cruisevention. Here is a
short video showing the Norwegian Sky, the ship we will be sailing on for
our 2014 State Convention in February 7 - 10, 2014. 




What I like about this video is that there is some narration, and the video
is quite well done. I also like the idea that it is an amateur production,
just some guy making a little movie about the ship, without trying to sell
the ship or anything else. 


It shows the theater, and it sure looks like it will definitely meet our
needs. Also, a lot of the bars would do for smaller meetings, when the bars
are not in use. Maybe we could even use the premium restaurants when they
are not in use. 




"It's a shallow life that doesn't give a person a few scars."

                                                     -Garrison Keillor



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