[NFBF-Melbourne] Weekend Message: (Sun., May 31, 2020) Humility is a Choice

Joyce Taylor dr.joycetaylor56 at gmail.com
Sun May 31 03:47:28 UTC 2020

Hello Everyone:  Praise God!    For such a time as this, we need the people
to cry out to God for instruction , direction and protection.  Righteous
indignation is one thing, yes, I am angry about what has taken place in
Minneapolis.  I would be a liar if I said anything different; however, the
Bible says to be angry but sin not (Ephesians 4:26).  Yes, I understand
protesting for what is right; however, looting and burning things are not
the right thing to do.    There is a way that seemest right unto man and the
end thereof is death.  We do not need anymore deaths to take place; however,
we do need justice for the life that was taken intentionally.  God gave
life, and He is the only one that should be able to take   it;  the Lord
giveth and the Lord taketh away!


Lord help us to understand that humility is a choice and encourage us to be
meek  and also humble ourselves before you (remember, meek doesn't mean
weak); you said in due time you will exalt us if we remain humble.      Let
us exemplify peace right in the midst of the storm.  The whole world is
watching and 80 percent of the riotous and chaos is from outsiders.
Remember, the Bible says that the devil is the author of confusion.    I
pray for a peaceful and non-violent protest.  Let us pray for the Floyd
family; especially Mom.  But if it had not been for God's grace, there goes
my son! 



God bless,


Dr. Joyce Taylor, VP, MSCC

Communities of Faith Committee Member






Current Teaching Series 

D034C179C878AF81246CF8C8D4:r> Unshakable! Thriving No Matter What Hits You 




D034C179C878AF81246CF8C8D4:r> Humility Is a Choice 

By Rick Warren - May 29, 2020





"So humble yourselves under the mighty power of God, and at the right time
he will lift you up in honor."

1 Peter 5:6 (NLT)

When you're successful, it's much easier to fall hard than it is to maintain
your success. We tend to get proud and forget about God, and success
crumbles when we do that.

If you've found yourself in that situation, the first step to take is
absolutely critical.

The Bible says, "Consider how far you have fallen! Repent and do the things
you did at first. If you do not repent, I will come to you" (Revelation 2:5

If you're getting proud, you must repent. That means you change your mind.
You go from thinking one way about your life to thinking another way.

Why repent? Because humility is a choice. We're never told in Scripture to
pray for God to make us humble. It's something you choose for yourself.

The Bible says, "So humble yourselves under the mighty power of God, and at
the right time he will lift you up in honor" (1 Peter 5:6 NLT).

Here's the difference between pride and humility: Pride is when you accept
credit for things that God and other people did through you and for you.
Humility doesn't mean thinking of yourself less. It means thinking of others
and God more.

If you have experienced some success and are beginning to get prideful, then
repent-today! Change your perspective about who you are and where your
success comes from.

The Bible says, "For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those
who humble themselves will be exalted" (Matthew 23:12 NIV).

D034C179C878AF81246CF8C8D4:r> PLAY today's audio teaching from Pastor Rick

Talk About It

*	What difference does it make to choose humility in small, seemingly
insignificant ways as well as in more obvious ways?
*	In what areas of your life do you seem overly susceptible to pride?
Why do you think that's the case?
*	Do need to repent from pride in your life? Take some time to do that
right now.






D034C179C878AF81246CF8C8D4:r> Get Unshakable Study Kit when you give a gift
to support Daily Hope

When your world is shaken, how will you stand strong?

It's a question Daniel and his friends faced head on, as they made their
stand for Truth in the midst of a faithless and corrupt society.

In this 8-part DVD study kit, Unshakable! Thriving No Matter What Hits You,
Pastor Rick uncovers timeless lessons from the life of Daniel, giving you
the clarity and courage to live for Christ each day.

You'll learn how to . . .

. Pray the kind of prayers God answers
. Stand firm when you're pressured to conform
. Be bold when your beliefs are belittled
. Stay cool when the heat is on

D034C179C878AF81246CF8C8D4:r> LEARN MORE


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