[NFBF-Tampa] Stronger Together: Time to Fill the Seats!

marion.gwizdala at verizon.net marion.gwizdala at verizon.net
Sat Sep 2 16:08:46 UTC 2023

Dear Tampa Bay Chapter Members & Supporters,


                As I write this, the Stronger Together concert will be in
thirty-three days! The doors will open at 6:30 for the silent auction and
the audience will hear our first chords at 7:30 p.m. I am looking forward to
a full house and want to share how your individual effort will help sell out
the show!


                Attached to this message are several documents making up a
package to solicit for auction items and sell tickets. First I will focus
upon soliciting auction items for the silent auction. We are seeking
donations of items with a value of around $25 or more for the silent
auction. Anything of retail value can be used as an auction item, including
such things as household goods, cookware, alcohol, art, admission tickets,
gift cards, collectibles, and sports memorabilia. (The Tampa Bay Rays,
Buccaneers, and Lightning have all been contacted.) The places you shop and
the services you receive are great prospects; you spend your money to
support them, why not ask them to support something important to you?


                When asking for a donation, it is important you give them
something physical or, at least, via email to let them know your ask is
credible. Attached to this message is a flyer about the concert in Word and
PDF. This flyer is created in color but can be printed in black & white, if
necessary. The flyer consists of graphics representing a stage curtain and
stage. The stage curtain is red with the header border over the top of the
flyer and the curtains open to the sides. Several stars are scattered around
in the background of the flyer and five spotlights are focused on center
stage, representing the five performers that make up the Stronger Together
Band: Jamie, Kaitlyn, Marion, Trent, and Z'Leah. This flyer should always be
the cover of your packet and the first file you attach to an email.


                Also attached to this message is a request for contributions
letter which would be the second page of your packet. The third and final
page is a receipt letter acknowledging the contribution. These last two
pages are on NFB of Florida letterhead signed by President Kilby. The
receipt letter contains blanks for the contributor to complete. Some
contributors, especially those who make frequent nonprofit contributions and
those interested in making a large contribution may require an IRS letter of
determination. If you come across such a request, Miranda will be able to
provide that document for you.


                Admission to the show is $20 in advance or $25 the day of
the show. NFBF members and groups of ten or more may purchase tickets for
$15 each. No discounts are valid the day of the show. Anyone who makes a
contribution to our silent auction of $25 or more is entitled to purchase
admission tickets to the show at the discount rate, no matter how many
tickets they purchase. When you pick up their donation, it might be a good
time to let them know that, as a "Thank you" for their contribution they are
entitled to purchase discount admission tickets. All discount tickets can
only be purchased from Dan or Miranda; Miranda's telephone number is
included on the flyer.. 


                In addition to helping us gather auction items, we need to
fill the seats with paying guests. Selling tickets to your family and
friends is the obvious start but consider asking those places you patronize
to enjoy a professionally produced concert while supporting a great cause.
Why not think about asking your colleagues at work or the staff at your
doctor's office to buy a ticket? You might even suggest the office get ten
or more people together to purchase a group of tickets. And if someone
doesn't want to buy a ticket but wants to support the chapter, we will
accept a contribution, as well. 


                I have also attached a sample email message I will be using
to invite the local Lions clubs to support this event by selling tickets or
making a contribution. This is only a sample, so please do not send it as it
currently is but edit it to suit your audience. If you have any suggestions
about how to sell tickets or solicit auction items, please share them here
on the list so others can benefit from your experiences. If you need some
support or other suggestions, please do not hesitate to jump in and ask. If
you know of a place we could invite but do not feel comfortable making the
invitation, I would be more than happy to help out. 


Our goal for the night is a minimum net of $5,000. Our projected expenses
are approximately $1,500. The room will seat 250 theater-style. If we fill
the house selling half the seats at full price and half at the discounted
price, our gross gate would be $4,375 or a net gate of $2,375. In order to
reach our $5,000 goal, we need to raise$2,125 from the auction. This would
be a record setting fund raising event for our chapter and is very
attainable. Let's have fun and fill the seats!


Fraternally yours,



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