[Nfbmd] Encouraging News on the WIPO Issue

Frye, Dan DFrye at nfb.org
Fri May 29 19:05:47 UTC 2009

This is a rapidly evolving situation it would seem. I don't think the
following suggests that this issue has been fully addressed, but it is
optimistic news in the context of international negotiations. The
following information will offer more detail for your consideration. I
would not allow this ray of hope to discourage any plan you might have
made to convey your opinion to the Obama administration on this issue. I
should acknowledge Chris Danielsen for sharing this updated information
with me:
From: James Love [mailto:james.love at keionline.org
<mailto:james.love at keionline.org> ]

Sent: Friday, May 29, 2009 2:52 PM

To: rrc

Subject: SCCR meeting

A new draft of the conclusions from the WIPO SCCR is now out. The draft
is quite good. There are 18 paragraphs.

Here is paragraph 2

2. The Committee expressed its appreciation for the Proposal by Brazil,
Ecuador and Paraguay Relating to Limitations and Exceptions: Treaty
Proposed by the World Blind Union (WBU). Views were expressed:

supporting the proposal for a binding instrument; expressing the wish
for more time to analyze it; expressing the desire to continue the work
on the basis of a global and inclusive framework; and expressing that
deliberations regarding any instrument would be premature. Member states
will continue to consult on these issues at national level and report on
the activities and views on possible solutions. This proposal, together
with other possible proposals and contributions by the Members of the
Committee, will be discussed at the nineteenth session of the SCCR.

For those who did not attend, I can tell you that this result is quite
good (certainly much better than we expected), and reflects the value of
the extensive efforts by the members of the WBU, civil society NGOs and
developing country governments who overcame very very determined
resistance by a nearly united front of right owners who opposed a treaty
in this area, and the stiff resistance from the European Union, and the
opposition from the United States and other members of "Group B"

countries in WIPO, who had argued it was "premature" to have such
discussions, and who wanted WIPO to focus its efforts on a combination
of sharing of information on national regimes and voluntary solutions



James Love, Director, Knowledge Ecology International
http://www.keionline.org <http://www.keionline.org/>  |
mailto:james.love <mailto:james.love>  at keionline.org

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