[Nfbmd] More urgent action needed in Annapolis!

NFBMD nfbmd at earthlink.net
Wed Mar 23 21:53:39 UTC 2011

Hello All,


The clock is ticking to crossover day which means that bills have to get out
of the originating house by Monday.  They must be out of committee by
Thursday or Friday.  Here is the message that you must give Delegates and
Senators, tomorrow Thursday March 24.


Please vote in favor of the amended SB642 and HB285.  


The general number is either 410-841 plus the appropriate extension or
301-858 plus the appropriate extension.


Everyone should call Senator Brian Frosh, Chairman extension 3623 and ask
him to vote in favor of the amended SB642.  Everyone should call Delegate
Peter Hammend extension 3772, and ask him to vote in favor of the amended


After you call these chairmen, call the appropriate delegates and senators
in your area or send them an Email.



Chairman, Senator Brian Frosh extension 3623

Baltimore City: Senator Lisa Gladden extension 3697.

Baltimore County: Senator James Brochin extension 3648

                                     Senator Norman Stone extension 3587

                                  Senator Bobby Zirkin extension 3131

Carroll County: Senator Joseph Getty extension 3683

Harford County: Senator Nancy Jacobs extension 3158

Montgomery County: Senator Jennie Forehand extension 3134

                                          Senator Jamie Raskin extension

PG County: Senator Victor Ramirez extension 3745

Western Maryland: Senator Christopher Shank extension 3903



Anne Arundel County: Delegate Robert Costa extension 3551

                                           Delegate Nicholaus Kipke
extension 3421

Baltimore City: Delegate Nathaniel Oaks extension 3283

                                Delegate Shawn Tarrant extension 3545

Baltimore County: Delegate Eric Bromwell extension 3766

                                     Delegate William Frank extension 3793

                                     Delegate Patrick McDonough extension

                                     Delegate Dan Morhaim extension 3054

                                     Delegate Shirley Nathan-Pulliam
extension 3358

Carroll County: Delegate Wade Kach extension 3359

Delegate Susan Krebs extension 3200

                                Delegate Justin Ready extension 3070

Frederick County: Delegate Donald Elliot extension 3118

Howard County: Delegate Shane Pendergrass extension 3139

Montgomery County: Delegate Bonnie Cullison extension 3883

                                          Delegate Ariana Kelly extension

                                          Delegate Kirill Reznik extension

PG County: Delegate James Hubbard extension 3103

                      Delegate Joseline Pena-Melnyk extension 3502

                      Delegate Veronica Turner extension 3212

Western Maryland: Delegate John Donoghue extension 3125

Southern Maryland: Delegate Peter Murphy extension 3247



Stay tuned for further announcements.  Make those calls so that the
legislature knows that the blind need greater civil rights protection.  



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