[nfbmi-talk] competing sales in state buildings by employees, coffee clubs, catering, etc.

Joe Sontag suncat0 at gmail.com
Tue Aug 31 00:17:24 UTC 2010

In an effort to help interested people understand just how much the Michigan Commission for the Blind, the State Licensing Agency 
for the Randolph-Sheppard Act, really cares about the success achieved by its operators, I give you the attached for your 
consideration and comment.  Remember that the office of the Attorney General had just represented the Commission against an operator 
who was trying to get the Commission's support toward getting an illegal food concession within her building closed prior to issuing 
this advisory opinion.  It should also be noted that Mr. Cannon tried to keep the full text of the AG's advisory opinion hidden from 
the operators and the public and was overridden by the Commission Board.

The counter opinion is a little rough in places, probably because it was scanned into a MS-Word document without corrections, but 
you can still get the important details.

Joe Sontag 
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