[nfbmi-talk] Fw: [NFBAffiliatePresidents] A chance to buy a book and make theMissouri School for the blind some money

Larry Posont president.nfb.mi at gmail.com
Thu Dec 2 04:09:56 UTC 2010

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Gary Wunder" <GWunder at earthlink.net>
To: "nfbmo list" <nfbmo at nfbnet.org>; "Missouri Parents Network" <missouri-parents-network at nfbnet.org>; "'NFB Affiliate Presidents 
List'" <nfbaffiliatepresidents at nfbnet.org>; "'NFB Chapter Presidents discussion list'" <chapter-presidents at nfbnet.org>
Cc: "Kirsten Richards" <kirsten07734 at gmail.com>; "Gail Y. Bryant" <gbryant at socket.net>; "Ed Vaughan" <cedwinvaughan at yahoo.com>; 
"Goldina Underwood" <goldinau at hotmail.com>; "Peter Altschul" <paltschul at centurytel.net>; "Cheryl Owens" <cherylo108 at yahoo.com>; 
"trammell" <trammell at socket.net>; "Larry Coulter" <Lawrence.coulter at us.army.mil>; "Sam Neal" <twocansam1972 at yahoo.com>; "Eugene 
Coulter" <escoulter at centurytel.net>; "Lisa Brandt" <craiglisa2002 at yahoo.com>; "Doreen Frappier" <dcfrappier at yahoo.com>; "Jan Dehart" 
<JANDART2 at aol.com>; "Jerry Braden" <jerryb52 at sbcglobal.net>; "Bill Neal" <bneal1944 at yahoo.com>; "Don Branch" <dbranch at samobile.net>; 
"carrie modesitt" <carriemodesitt at msn.com>; "Schafer,Carmen" <schafercg at missouri.edu>; "beryl and Vickey Jordan" 
<jordans_acres at hotmail.com>; "Peter Altchul" <paltchul at centurytel.net>; "Wes Blackman" <wblack4431 at aol.com>; "Lawrence Luck" 
<lluck at centurytel.net>; "Carol J. Coulter" <cjcoulter at centurytel.net>; "James Pelfrey" <jamespelfrey at charter.net>; "Barbara Hoyle" 
<BHOYLE at columbia.k12.mo.us>; "Susan Crigler" <sgcrigler992 at centurytel.net>; "Katie Juetner" <givernybridge at hotmail.com>; "Richard 
Willis" <richarddad1 at yahoo.com>; "Gretchen Maune" <gmaune at socket.net>; "Tamara Oberbeck" <tgoberbeck at hotmail.com>; "Dacia Luck" 
<Daisydacia at centurytel.net>; "Shannon White" <whiteshan at missouri.edu>; "Bonnie Morris" <bonmorris at centurytel.net>; "Gina Applebee" 
<gmafz9 at missouri.edu>; "James Pelfrey" <pelfreyjames at mediacombb.net>; "lisa Altchul" <lwb6c9 at mizzou.edu>; "Cora Underwood" 
<seemu at centurytel.net>; "Chuck Layton" <chuckiel45 at home.com>; "Mark Laird" <Mark.Laird at dss.mo.gov>; "MyWife" 
<debbiewunder at centurytel.net>; "Tom Stevens" <charleshelen at CenturyTel.net>; "Melissa Smith" <mdsmith25 at ktis.net>; "Erick Coulter" 
<coulter51 at mchsi.com>; "Karen and Steve Black" <kcalbnerak at yahoo.com>; "Mario Manzini" <MARMANZINI at aol.com>
Sent: Wednesday, December 01, 2010 10:41 PM
Subject: [NFBAffiliatePresidents] A chance to buy a book and make theMissouri School for the blind some money

The National Federation of the Blind's Columbia chapter has worked out a
deal with our local Barnes & Noble store to do a book fair, so that any
purchases made between now and the end of business on Tuesday will initiate
a donation to the Missouri school for the blind.  There is no extra charge
to the purchaser of a Barnes & Noble item, but simply a donation which will
come for presentation by our Columbia chapter to the school.  The
promotional code is 10373199, and if you make an order online or if you
happen to visit the store tomorrow between 10 AM and 8 PM, this code will
initiate a donation.

Tomorrow we will be in the store from 9:30 AM until 8 PM distributing NFB
literature and writing names in braille.  Between one and four in the
afternoon, we will be doing story time for the children.

We have found the people at Barnes & Noble to be excited and enthusiastic
about this project, and throughout the day they will be making overhead
announcements about our organization, our programs, and where we can be
found in the store.  Although this program only allows for donations to
schools, we believe it is a wonderful opportunity to make a contribution to
a worthy cause and to help us build a stronger relationship with our school
for the blind.  The school is very excited about our efforts and was very
surprised that our organization would work to directly support some of the
schools activities.
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NFBAffiliatePresidents at nfbnet.org

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