[nfbmi-talk] dudley spade named to dhs post

joe harcz Comcast joeharcz at comcast.net
Thu Dec 30 21:14:07 UTC 2010

Dudley Spade named to DHS post - Adrian, MI - The Daily Telegram  frame

Dudley Spade named to DHS post - Adrian, MI - The Daily Telegram  frame end

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LANSING, Mich. —


Gov.-elect Rick Snyder has named former state Rep. Dudley Spade of Tipton one of two deputy directors for the Michigan Department of Human Services.


Spade, a Democrat from Tipton who could not run for re-election this year to the House due to term limits, chaired the House Appropriations subcommittee

on human services.


The Republican governor-elect also announced that former state budget director Duane Berger will be acting director and Brian Rooney of Dexter will be another

deputy director of the department of human services. The agency has a $7 billion annual budget to provide public assistance and service programs including

temporary assistance for needy families, child welfare, juvenile justice, state disability assistance, child day care and food stamps.


“Protecting our children and families in need and fixing the department of human services are top priorities for my administration,” Snyder said in a news

release. “Putting these strong leaders in place will allow us to quickly act to properly train case workers and make the changes that are needed.”


In the news release, Snyder noted Spade’s 32 years in the government and nonprofit charities as a child advocate. He worked in administrative capacities

at Boysville in Macon Township and Starr Commonwealth, which runs boarding schools for troubled teens in Michigan and Ohio, before being elected to the

state House in 2004.


Berger is from East Lansing and is a senior deputy director for department services for the Michigan Department of State. He’s held state government posts

since 1992 and was director of management and budget in 2001-03.


Rooney is from Dexter and serves as a lawyer and chief spokesman for the Thomas More Law Center. He was one of three Republican candidates for the 7th Congressional

District seat this year. He lost to Tim Walberg of Tipton who went on to win the seat in the November general election.

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