[nfbmi-talk] long but important info re rs program

David Robinson drob1946 at gmail.com
Thu May 13 19:16:44 UTC 2010

Dear Joe, 

   It is my understanding that a few operators are going. The last I heard,
James Chaney and Shane Jackson will attend. Also, Greg Keathley and Bill
Lozier hope to attend.  This conference is truly for the operators and it is
unfortunate if the agency hogged up all the funds for assistance.
   I believe that the conference will be a good one, but if someone can't
afford to go to D.C.  they could plan to come to Dallas for the National
Federation of the Blind convention.  Not only are the Merchants issues
talked about, but all the issues facing blond people are addressed.  It is
informational, fun, inspirering and motivating.  I have been attending each
year since 1972 and each year I find it to be a critical part of my efforts
to continue fighting for the rights of the blind.  Everyone should be there.

Dave Robinson

-----Original Message-----
From: nfbmi-talk-bounces at nfbnet.org [mailto:nfbmi-talk-bounces at nfbnet.org]
On Behalf Of joe harcz Comcast
Sent: Thursday, May 13, 2010 2:33 PM
To: NFB of Michigan Internet Mailing List
Subject: Re: [nfbmi-talk] long but important info re rs program

Thanks for the info Christine. I also think that for those who can afford it

that individual operators, etc. go on their own dime.

Stakeholders sure need to shine some light on the system here.

I know that will be difficult, but though those interested parties should 
know that this is available to all stakeholders and not just the muckity 
mucks like Mr. cannon.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Christine Boone" <Christine_Boone at comcast.net>
To: "'NFB of Michigan Internet Mailing List'" <nfbmi-talk at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Thursday, May 13, 2010 2:18 PM
Subject: Re: [nfbmi-talk] long but important info re rs program

> As this invitation states, each state receives 2 stipends, intended for 
> use
> by the agency's BEP director and the Chair of the elected committee.
> Unfortunately, it was announced at the BEP training on Saturday May 3, 
> that
> Michigan intended to send the director and assistant director of the BEP
> instead.
> Remember, there may be additional stipends available from RSA, as some
> states and territories are unable to attend.
> James Cheney and others should contact RSA and ask to be considered for 
> any
> available stipends.
> This should be an excellent conference, providing wonderful opportunities
> for networking and gaining knowledge and insight into the current position
> of the BEP nationally.
> Michigan is encouraged to participate as fully as possible in this
> conference.
> Christine
> The agency
> -----Original Message-----
> From: nfbmi-talk-bounces at nfbnet.org [mailto:nfbmi-talk-bounces at nfbnet.org]
> On Behalf Of joe harcz Comcast
> Sent: Thursday, May 13, 2010 1:58 PM
> To: nfbmi-talk at nfbnet.org
> Subject: [nfbmi-talk] long but important info re rs program
> WASHINGTON, DC 20202-2800
> RSA-IM-10-02
> DATE:  March 2, 2010
> SUBJECT:                 Announcement of the Rehabilitation Services
> Administration's 2010 Randolph-Sheppard National Training and Leadership
> Conference
> CONTENT:                The purpose of this information memorandum is to
> provide details regarding the 2010 Randolph-Sheppard National Training and
> Leadership Conference sponsored by the Rehabilitation Services
> Administration (RSA) and scheduled for June 9 - 12, 2010, at the Hyatt
> Regency Hotel Crystal City, located at 2799 Jefferson Davis Highway in
> Arlington, Virginia.  Joining RSA in the planning and implementation of 
> the
> national Randolph-Sheppard conference are representatives from the Blind
> Entrepreneurs' Alliance, the National Association of Blind Merchants, the
> National Council of State Agencies for the Blind, the Randolph-Sheppard
> Vendors of America and the George Washington University Center for
> Rehabilitation Counseling Research and Education (GWU/CRCRE), which is
> serving as the conference coordinator.
> It has been a decade since the last national Randolph-Sheppard training
> conference, which was held in New Orleans, Louisiana, and there have been
> many significant program developments as well as turnovers in state
> licensing agency staff and elected committee representatives.  In 
> addition,
> the federal landscape has changed with the infusion of several new 
> property
> managing officials and the introduction of challenging and far-reaching
> initiatives.  The purpose of this conference is to bring Randolph-Sheppard
> stakeholders together with a goal of developing leadership skills, 
> educating
> participants on promising practices and creating an environment for the
> exchange of ideas that will help shape the future of the Randolph-Sheppard
> program.
> Anticipated outcomes include:
> 1.      Participants will gain a full understanding of the 
> Randolph-Sheppard
> Act and corresponding regulations and the complexities of effectively
> administering the program at the state and federal levels.
> 2.      State licensing agencies and blind vendors will learn about
> promising practices leading to successful outcomes that can be replicated 
> in
> their own programs and businesses.
> 3.      Participants will have an opportunity to view and learn about new
> products, technology and equipment that can improve their sales and
> operation in their Randolph-Sheppard vending facilities.
> 4.      Management and leadership techniques and skills will be enhanced,
> resulting in benefits to state programs on multiple levels.
> 5.      Federal property managing officials and state licensing agency
> personnel will develop a better understanding of each others' roles and
> responsibilities and how best to meet their respective needs while
> maintaining the integrity of the Randolph-Sheppard Act.
> 6.      RSA will benefit from dialogue with all stakeholders, including
> blind vendors, state agencies, federal property managing officials,
> suppliers and others.
> 7.      Work groups will generate specific recommendations and action 
> steps
> designed to guide and transform the Randolph-Sheppard program as it moves
> forward in the future.
> I am pleased to announce that RSA will provide stipend support
> (transportation, lodging and registration) for a minimum of two 
> participants
> from each state licensing agency, including the District of Columbia and
> Puerto Rico.  The stipends will support the state administrator for the
> Randolph-Sheppard program and the chairperson of the Elected Committee of
> Blind Vendors for the state.  The state vocational rehabilitation (VR)
> agency director will be responsible for determining stipend recipients or
> alternate designees.  A letter will be forthcoming from GWU to state VR
> directors with instructions for submitting and registering the stipend
> nominees.
> All other participants will be charged a registration fee of $125 if
> registration is completed by May 1, 2010, and $175 if registration is
> completed after May 1, 2010.  Registration information and conference
> updates are available at http://www.regonline.com/randolphsheppard, or you
> may call Lindsay Hill at 202-973-1550 or e-mail her at 
> lmhill at gwmail.gwu.edu
> if you require additional information or assistance.  The hotel room rates
> are $149 per night plus tax, and reservations should be made by May 18,
> 2010, directly with the hotel by calling 402-592-6464 or 1-888-421-1442.
> Please specify that you are making room reservations for the national
> Randolph-Sheppard conference.
> The 2010 National Randolph-Sheppard Training and Leadership Conference
> promises to be an exceptional training experience that will appeal to a
> diverse audience of stakeholders.  In addition to pre-conference 
> workshops,
> general and break-out sessions, a women's breakfast, dynamic speakers, and

> a
> reception, there will be an industry trade show sponsored by the National
> Association of Blind Merchants.  I invite you to be a part of this
> outstanding opportunity to learn and contribute to the future success of 
> the
> Randolph-Sheppard program nationwide.  Please reserve the dates of June 
> 9 -
> 12, 2010, on your calendar today.  Together we can change the employment
> outlook for blind entrepreneurs across our nation.
> If you have comments or suggestions that you would like to share with RSA 
> or
> need additional information about the 2010 Randolph-Sheppard National
> Training and Leadership Conference, please contact Suzanne Mitchell on my
> staff at 202-245-7454 or suzanne.mitchell at ed.gov.
> Lynnae M. Ruttledge
> Commissioner
> Rehabilitation Services Administration
> cc:     Council of State Administrators of Vocational Rehabilitation
>         National Council of State Agencies for the Blind
>      OFF.
>      NAME
>     DATE
>     OFF.
>     NAME
>     DATE
>      EHRV
>     /   /
>     EHRV
>     T. FINCH
>     /   /
>     /   /
>     EHR
>     /   /
>     /   /
>     /   /
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