[nfbmi-talk] August 6, 2011 Minutes National Federation of the Blind of Michigan QuarterlyBoard Meeting
J.J. Meddaugh
jj at bestmidi.com
Tue Nov 8 06:32:41 UTC 2011
Thanks for the great detailed minutes as always.
Can we bring up at an upcoming board conference call making the change
Elizabeth and others suggested and not separating the quarterly board
minutes from the other meetings? To me, a meeting's a meeting whether it is
via phone or in person.
Best Regards,
J.J. Meddaugh
A T Guys
Your Assistive Technology Experts
(269) 216-4798
----- Original Message -----
From: <trising at sbcglobal.net>
To: "NFBofMichigan List" <nfbmi-talk at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Sunday, November 06, 2011 9:55 PM
Subject: [nfbmi-talk] August 6,2011 Minutes National Federation of the Blind
of Michigan QuarterlyBoard Meeting
> National Federation of the Blind of Michigan Quarterly Board Meeting
> August 6, 2011 Minutes, 10:00 to 4:00 P.M.
> Clarion Hotel
> 3600 Every. Cork St.,
> Kalamazoo, MI, 49001
> Quorum
> Secretary's Report, Terri Wilcox. Dave Robinson made a motion to accept
> the Secretary's Report. Mike Powell seconded the motion. The Secretary's
> Report was approved.
> Treasurer's Report, Mary Wurtzel. Newsline 1,329.25. Balance 5,142.5.
> Remainder of grant 3,351.7. Affiliate Balance 1,790 deposit 761. Terri
> Wilcox made a motion to accept the Treasurer's Report. Dave Robinson
> seconded the motion. The Treasurer's Report was approved..
> Introduction of participating Members.
> President's Report, Larry Posont. Geri Taeckens and Jo Ann Pilarski
> resigned from the Commission Board. They asked two people to sit on the
> Commission Board. The two individuals were not interested. There is an
> attempt to make the agency political, rather than an agency that
> emphasizes quality rehabilitation. This is particularly true of the
> Commission Board. Appointments to the Commission Board will occur by
> October 1. On July 19, the Board received the best representation by
> someone from the Attorney general's office concerning the Sheila Stelmach
> case. Larry Posont has asked the Governor to appoint someone from the
> Attorney General's office to represent the Commission Board. This person
> should not represent the agency in any facet, including representing staff
> or vendors. Blind people may receive Commission information on the web and
> may be making progress concerning ADA accessibility. Keep pressure on the
> board members. Each of us needs to take our concerns to our state senators
> and State Congressmen. For fifteen years, we have not had the views of the
> National Federation of the Blind represented on the Commission Board. We
> will be spoken against no matter what we do. The Attorney General's Office
> says the Commission board has the power if they choose to exercise it. The
> affiliate needs to raise money and to get more members. Dave Robinson
> suggests filing lawsuits against the Commission.
> National Convention Reports. The Convention will be in Dallas for 2012.
> The Convention will be in Florida from 2013-2018. Mary Ann Robinson was in
> the Mock Trial. Paul Bunn was a Jernigan Scholarship recipient. We heard
> the audible sound in the Toyota car. The subminimum wage was discussed
> frequently. There was an excellent membership seminar. The hotel was good
> with expensive food. The national office is us, not them. Donations came
> from the affiliate and the Lansing chapter. Get State convention on the
> website.
> National Convention Fund Raising Report and Discussion, Dave Robinson.
> Coffee costs us 5.50. We sell it for $10. We also sell sweat shirts,
> tee-shirts, tote bags, and backpacks. We spent $167 to have products
> shipped to Florida and $138 for shipping products back to Jackson. $761 is
> our profit. Chapters may help with costs of shipping. Larry Posont
> appointed Dave Robinson and Sheila Latham to be on a committee for
> Convention sales.
> The State Convention is November 4-6. The Training Center will still be at
> the Clarion. Three requests have been received to be exhibitors from 3-7
> on Friday. These include, Heart Sight Greeting Cards, The Library for the
> Blind of Ann Arbor, and a Diabetes Action Exhibit. Many of us think Cannon
> should not speak on the Agenda. Possible Agenda items include: Parent
> Seminar, state Scholarships, Midwest Enterprises for the Blind, (which
> pays above minimum wage) Adams Modeling, (which may work with us on hair
> and fashion for women) Tyler Merren, (holding classes or question and
> answer on fitness for the blind), Agrability, Leader Dog, a Senior Seminar
> and archery. We need a new Head of Hospitality. We need to determine a
> time to hold the Resolutions Committee Meeting. The restaurant is
> available early Saturday morning if we decide to use it. We must determine
> who is leading for child care. Work on preregistration for state
> Convention.
> Bridge Walk and Youth Outreach Report, Melinda Latham. Melinda Latham took
> three youth to National Convention. Some highlights for the youth were the
> exhibit hall and the Blind Driver Challenge simulator. Melinda is in
> contact with Dean Transportation. Ten people have committed to attend the
> Bridge Walk, but the camp needs 27. The affiliate will be responsible for
> paying for twenty seven people, regardless of if twenty seven people
> attend. Mary Wurtzel made a motion to cancel the Bridge Walk for this
> year, but give priority for next year to the Bridge Walk. If we cancel for
> this year, put 50 percent of the remaining grant money aside for the
> Bridge Walk for next year. Marcus seconded the Motion. The motion was
> approved with sadness. Melinda Latham is resigning from Youth Outreach,
> but is helping with Youth Outreach for State Convention.
> Newsline. Newsline is still connected in Michigan as of August 6. Georgia
> Kitchen and Marcus Simmons are working with an anonymous foundation
> concerning the funding of Newsline. The National Federation of the Blind
> sent a bill to the Agency. Pat Cannon implied we already received the
> money to pay for Newsline. The Agency is working on paying the first
> invoice. If individual blind people get jobs out of Newsline, the
> Commission for the Blind should pay for Newsline out of stimulus money.
> The Commission is spreading resources too thin for transition programs.
> Numbers for Camp Daggett are up, while other programs, such as Camp
> Tuhsmeheta, have low numbers of students. The Commission does not seem to
> be helping students attend Commission sponsored events. Campers at art
> camp are sleeping in tents because sighted people are in the camp. This is
> the second time this summer that campers were moved. There is an active
> proposal to sell the south 100 acres of camp, which amounts to a third of
> the property. There was discussion about whether the trust was on paper or
> whether it was financial without written documentation. We must contact
> the Attorney General 'special Investigative Unit concerning the trust. A
> memorial from Fred Wurtzel's father was to the trust fund at the Michigan
> School for the Blind. The Commission Board can fund Newsline.
> Camp Tuhsmeheta, Report 2011.
> Braille, Terri Wilcox. Eleven students attended Braille Camp. Braille Camp
> went well with improvements in Braille reading speed for six students. The
> other five were learning Braille and reading aloud for accuracy. At the
> end of the week, all of these could read at least the Braille alphabet,
> and knew many, if not all, of the single letter contractions.
> Culinary, Larry Posont. Twelve students attended Culinary Camp. They had a
> great time. Students learned things. We would do some things differently
> next year. The students chopped and learned to use the kitchen. The
> students loved crock pots and George Foreman grills. Students have used
> the equipment and made meals. They are learning that it is okay to be
> blind.
> Science Fred Wurtzel and Christine Boone. The students went on two field
> trips !two farms. They had great lessons about farming. One of these was
> how the birds ate most of the blueberries before the students were able to
> get to them. They learned how food is grown and gets to the table. They
> went to a farmers market and had a scavenger hunt. In order for the
> students to have experience with liquid nitrogen, Kate arranged a tour of
> Grand Valley State University Chemistry Lab. The students got to do things
> with liquid nitrogen like making ice cream. They also went to an arboretum
> with lots of trees that are native to Michigan. The students measured
> water coming in through Flannigan Lake. Kate Boone and Donna Posont did a
> great job. Doug and Christine Boone worked with the students on travel in
> the woods. A travel camp is suggested. Everyone had a native to Michigan
> fish dinner consisting of perch, lake trout, rainbow trout, wall eye and
> white fish.
> Report from Charlie Brown, Charitable Solicitation License, Larry Posont.
> We have been unable to find Champion Diversified. They are the company we
> filed with before. Other affiliates are raising funds by having
> walk-a-thons, gambling nights, bike-a-thons, etc. In order to get a
> Solicitation License, Marcus Simmons had to get a letter from City
> Council, which then went to Lansing and then to the Attorney General's
> Office. A discussion occurred about whether the affiliate needs a
> charitable Solicitation License because we are not raising funds through
> telemarketing. The Affiliate can most likely raise funds in Michigan. All
> of our financial documents are in order.
> Michigan Braille Transcribing Fund Fiftieth Anniversary, Dave Robinson.
> Michigan Braille Transcribing Fund gave us the grand prize for the 2009
> National Convention. They teach prisoners Braille and help them start a
> business when they are released. The Affiliate can recognize the Michigan
> Braille Transcribing Fund at our State Convention and nominate them for a
> Bolotin Award. They could be asked to speak on the agenda. The Affiliate
> will write a Resolution of commendation for the Michigan Braille
> Transcribing Fund. The Affiliate will approach the Michigan Braille
> Transcribing Fund for support for various affiliate functions.
> Commission for the Blind Board Meeting, September. There are four meetings
> per year. Assume Lydia Schuck will be the Chair. Larry Posont's thirteen
> agenda items should be addressed. Some of these include: \ADA
> accessibility, clients being notified of counselor leave, marksmanship,
> and staff training. The Board wants to take charge and serve blind
> citizens in an excellent manner. The Governor made a statement by
> appointing Larry Posont and Lydia Schuck to the Board. There will be no
> more video recording of Commission for the Blind Board meetings.
> Appointments to the Commission for the Blind Board. The Governor will name
> the Chair of the Board. Interested members should apply for the Commission
> Board. Larry Posont said that he wants John Scott on the Board for a
> second term. John Scott represents the severely underserved population of
> Detroit. Members need to write letters to support John Scott. In order to
> know the proper name and address to write on John Scott's behalf, contact
> information needs to go on the list serves. Members need to attend the
> meeting. Individuals who are on the Board must understand rehabilitation.
> Monitoring Report. Pat Cannon said they are waiting for documentation on
> the corrective action report.
> Blast Conference Nashville Tennessee, September 2011. The Conference is at
> the Nashville Marriott. A bus leaves from Michigan on September 20 and
> returns on September 24. Reserve rooms immediately! Preregister online or
> by mail. The deadline for early registration is August 15 and costs $150.
> Late registration is $200. Steve Langtree is collecting money for the bus.
> New Business:
> Chapter Reports. Western Wayne County has books to sell with children's
> names, birthdays, and cities where they live written in them. An email
> should go on the list serve concerning the children's books. Western Wayne
> County Chapter gave $700 for members to go to Convention. The Western
> Wayne County Chapter is going back to Senate Coney Island on September 10.
> Reggie Alvarado is moving to Florida. The Lansing chapter is having a
> picnic at Hunter Park on August 20. The Kalamazoo Chapter had their last
> meeting in May with twelve people attending. They had a fund raising bake
> sale with Wall Mart. The next meeting is on Thursday, September 1. It is a
> celebratory kick off for Christine Boone and Tyler Merren joining the work
> force. It is necessary for Kalamazoo and the affiliate to conduct public
> relations for the State Convention. Ann Arbor has a pool party on August
> ten. Some time this fall, we will host the man from Toyota who will be a
> guest at our chapter in order to drive the Toyota around our area in order
> to let us hear the sound of the hybrid.
> Members at Large Chapter. Keep interest of new members by having meetings
> via telephone at least once a month. We have members interested in
> participating in this and even a member interested in leading it.
> Imagination Fund Grants. Writers are needed for Imagination Fund Grants.
> Elizabeth Mohnke volunteered to write one for Michigan Association of
> Blind Students. Fred Wurtzel volunteers to write grants for camps,
> Braille, Culinary, and Science. A grant is wanted for Seniors. The
> Kalamazoo Chapter is partnering with technology companies to display at
> the Kalamazoo Library for a technology fair on October 1.
> Michigan Commission for the Blind History. It would be beneficial to
> record Michigan Commission for the Blind history from The National
> Federation of the Blind's perspective. If individuals record history via
> Braille, email, or tape, Terri Wilcox will edit it and compile the
> finished document.
> Melinda Latham made a motion to adjourn at 3:18. Mary Wurtzel seconded the
> Motion. The meeting was adjourned.
> --
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