[nfbmi-talk] Fw: Fw: Recall: GovernorSnydertoIssueNewExecutiveOrderNext Week

Donald R. bowman donaldbowman at blindmassage.com
Tue Apr 17 22:11:36 UTC 2012

Dear Mr. Harcz,

    You certainly sound angry.
    I have to say, you have out done yourself;
    anyone who can rant the way you do is certainly a talented individual.
What a fantastic vocabulary!
What passion!

    I salute you, my friend!
    You go buddy, Give 'em Heck!
    Maybe, someday, something good will come of it!

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "joe harcz Comcast" <joeharcz at comcast.net>
To: "NFB of Michigan Internet Mailing List" <nfbmi-talk at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2012 5:57 PM
Subject: Re: [nfbmi-talk] Fw: Recall: 
GovernorSnydertoIssueNewExecutiveOrderNext Week

>I wonder how anyone can talk about honorable governance and talk about the 
>implied  benelevence of the same  the very goverment that screws us all in 
>the same time and with the same brath. and ignorance of state and federal 
>laws all at the same time. Isn't this a bit like asking a rape victim 
>andone horribly abused and tortured to boot to not only bow down, genuflect 
>and other wise to plead fealty to her offendors and abusers but also to 
>have her act as a recuitor, and then for those recuited to say, "Well I got 
>recruited and all tht and why are you attacking the recruitors of this 
>stuff? I mean I got a real good job with those recrutors or had one once 
>upon a time a long time ago and..."
> Listen we either have federal and state criterion for laws or we do not 
> and that goes to funding and federal resources, let alone civil rights 
> obligations rightfully told here in plain language by Dave Robinson! He is 
> right on and more right on and in case you haven't noticed it even more 
> right on in these pithy terms.
> I am as outraged by your comments not only to those of we who are blind in 
> the mastery over our conditions, fait, and our political outcomes as I am 
> to the assault upon fundamental democracy which we all should have a stake 
> in, and, after all else is grist for the mill on this list as we, the 
> blind, the organized blind, are to be masters of our own faiths or at very 
> least to be included, simply included in the process of these things.
> I can't believe that any person who is blind whether democrat, Republican, 
> or visa versa; whether agnostic, atheist, Muslim, or Jew; or Catholic or 
> Baptist or anything in-between can think that we, as organized blind 
> folks, let alone sovereign individuals can be left out of the democratic 
> functions that govern us! It is outrageous sir!
> This outrage goes in many cases to NFB and ACB and non-affiliated members 
> themselves and many of whom I love, but am outraged against.
> We cannot argue on the one hand for self-determination, sovereignty over 
> our own affairs, whether small or large, and at the other hand work at 
> cross purposes and cut our own selves and notions of information, let 
> alone self-determination to be cut off at the pass as you suggest in some 
> sort of blind fealty to some sovereign, and in this case Republican 
> master, or executive who knows not one thing about blindness, and in my 
> mind and again in documented form nothing about the democratic process 
> prescribed in law.
> If you all wish to give up good and equal governance for security might I 
> remind you all of the words of Benjamin Franklin who said, "Those who give 
> up a measure of liberty for security will garner neither."
> And for that matter let me quote Franklin once again when he said to his 
> fellow revolutionaries at the advent of the revolution, "We must hang 
> together or surely we will hang separately."
> Fred, sir and with all due respect I not only am incensed with your words 
> and your sell out to us as blind people. But I'm outraged at your sell out 
> here to anything remotely in line with the American tradition of law, 
> equity and fundamentals of the democratic process as you seem to think 
> that things are peachy as to give up everything to some sort of sovereign 
> like Governor Snyder!
> Giving up basic liberties as defined by the United States Constitution, 
> and to laws relative to though the blind is anathema to all I am.
> And I have been constant in these regards whether they come from a 
> Democratic or Republican administration or whether corruption, waste, and 
> fraud and abuse comes for that matter from Republicans or democrats.
> We aren't supposed to be a charitable government like the Lions Club. We 
> are supposed to be a government of law, based upon constitutional 
> principles, with equal opportunity, due process and protections for all.
> I, for one will not hold out my hand to the tyrant no matter who they are 
> like the character in Taurus Bulba to only have his hand cut off by the 
> same tyrant!
> I study politics, economics, and that includes those of we persons with 
> disabilities including those who are blind. I've studiedly history. And we 
> are doomed to repeat a miserable history if we don't get our collective 
> act together and damned quick.
> For those who fear their current positions, and their meager stipends 
> whatever the context, whether it be a nominal job with MCB or a contract 
> or whatever let me tell you this is gone and a thing of the past.
> We are the proverbial Jews in the Warsaw ghetto being picked off one by 
> one and then with another swipe of the sword the rest of us will be gone 
> like five millions of Catholic Poles in WW II.
> Oh before folks think me hyperbolic here let me tell you all and remind 
> you all of the first who were gassed in the Nazi exterminations. They were 
> the 1000,9000 persons with disabilities in the T3 camps in 1940. All were 
> persons with disabilities including thousands who were blind.
> Now, while I disagree with President Maurer on a number of things and 
> while I disagree with his political sentiments not being a Republican he 
> is most correct in the general ramifications of the denigration of basic 
> and fundamental rights and to our fundamental rights to access the very 
> system of our purported liberation over all else.
> My Lord how bizarre it is to have a Vocational Rehabilitation system that 
> is not over all else fully accessible to people with physical and sensory 
> disabilities as it was intended to be and as a condition of Section 504.
> Is this supposed to be a pass through to the state governments without 
> oversight or discharger even basic accountabilities these VR and IL funds?
> Or are they just perks with crumbs being doled out to a few PWD sellouts 
> with the rest going to state general funds?
> If the latter is the case then I say, "Bllow the thing up and let the 
> states screw themselves."
> If these are meant to be federally funded and mandated programs based upon 
> not only federal civil rights mandates, but also a majority of federal 
> funding then I say, "Do what the laws require and don't give a sop, by 
> sim[ple and stupid and cupidity like responses to vagrent and malavelent 
> powers that steal these friking monies from purposes they were mandated 
> for and for the purposes they were mandated for to begin with."
> And no excuses either here for either Republican or Democrats, or 
> independents for that matter.
> Law, equity and federally funded programs should be above all that sort of 
> bull shit! So should America, but in this last sentence I do digress...
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "fred olver" <goodfolks at charter.net>
> To: "NFB of Michigan Internet Mailing List" <nfbmi-talk at nfbnet.org>
> Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2012 12:58 PM
> Subject: Re: [nfbmi-talk] Fw: Recall: 
> GovernorSnydertoIssueNewExecutiveOrder Next Week
>>I beg to differ with you, Dave. I expect what the honorable governor has 
>>done, he did as a result of ignorance and poor planning on the part of the 
>>individuals from whom he gets his information. It does no good to think 
>>the worst of every one we must deal with. It would be a better idea to 
>>give them the benefit of the doubt and attempt to treat them in a manner 
>>which we ourselves would choose to be dealt with. Perhapse a meeting with 
>>this organization where we could present our views and why we hold them 
>>rather than tearing down the individual for what he is trying to do, and 
>>that is to save the state some money while at the same time making a very 
>>difficult situation one which is workable and to the advantage of all 
>>parties concerned.
>> Fred Olver
>> ----- Original Message ----- 
>> From: "David Robinson" <drob1946 at gmail.com>
>> To: "'NFB of Michigan Internet Mailing List'" <nfbmi-talk at nfbnet.org>
>> Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2012 10:24 AM
>> Subject: Re: [nfbmi-talk] Fw: Recall: Governor 
>> SnydertoIssueNewExecutiveOrder Next Week
>>> Dear Don,
>>>   I am sure he does not want to give up federal funding, but he and 
>>> others
>>> in State government have a desire to take awaycivil rights which have 
>>> been
>>> fought for over the years.  Don't be fooled by expressions of good
>>> intentions.  The characters involved in the destruction of services to 
>>> the
>>> blind have demonstrated through their actions that they have no such
>>> intentions and only wish to control and have power over the lives of 
>>> blind
>>> persons and our right to live equally in this world.
>>> Dave Robinson
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: nfbmi-talk-bounces at nfbnet.org 
>>> [mailto:nfbmi-talk-bounces at nfbnet.org]
>>> On Behalf Of Donald R. bowman
>>> Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2012 11:16 AM
>>> To: Joe Sontag; NFB of Michigan Internet Mailing List
>>> Subject: Re: [nfbmi-talk] Fw: Recall: Governor Snyder
>>> toIssueNewExecutiveOrder Next Week
>>> I'm pretty sure the Governor will be tweaking the previous Executive 
>>> order
>>> to insure that no Federal funding is lost.
>>> I don't believe it is the Governor's intent to give up programs that are
>>> Federally  funded.
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