[nfbmi-talk] I resign

joe harcz Comcast joeharcz at comcast.net
Thu Dec 4 04:07:59 UTC 2014

Dear MArk and All,

I understand what you are talking about with the term "enemy" and such.

Frankly some in NFB have the mind set.

And more frankly silly types as they are are simply and plainly stupid and irreoprepriably stupid at that.

It is weird that the best informed, and the most potent, and effective tyepes within NFB and otherwise have been often unter cut, defamed,and otherwise screwed over by the likes of Fred Wertzel and that is in the public record anddocumented over time.

Now, Fredd is documented to be a violator of our civil rights. Check out the public record.

s very interesting. Interesting indeed!

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Mark Eagle 
  To: joe harcz Comcast ; NFB of Michigan Internet Mailing List 
  Sent: Wednesday, December 03, 2014 10:30 PM
  Subject: Re: [nfbmi-talk] I resign

  All though your enemies have won what they truly desired. They have lost a champion they could never be. They can divide and conquer some, but will never win the hearts and minds of all. It takes a life time to build something great and a moment to destroy it.

  I wish you happiness where ever you may end up. 


  Mark Eagle
  NFB of Michigan Treasurer

  From: joe harcz Comcast via nfbmi-talk <nfbmi-talk at nfbnet.org>
  To: nfbmi-talk at nfbnet.org 
  Sent: Wednesday, December 3, 2014 9:51 PM
  Subject: [nfbmi-talk] I resign

  Hello All,

  I have thought about this forever, but wish to notify all that I respectfully resign from any activity resend baling the NAB MI.

  Now, why do I do so?

  Well first and foremost I'm sick to death of the back stabing of those who say they support us.

  Secondly, I and others have had little and less support let alone compliance with state and federal laws pursuant to ADA, 504and other compliance issues including backing on NFB MI issues of compliance.

  Finally, the powers that be wish to censor me and other voiceses of compliance with state and federal laws and then hide behind their sancuaries and bovine scatology and exercise  behind the scene censorship.

  This isn't the NFB way and it isn't the "American Way".

  It is only a fascist way and not becoming of NFB principles.

  Regardless, I resign all NFB affiliations andI forfeit anything NFB including my Chapter Presidency unless our national organization intervenes herein.

  I am not a teif and have aproximatley 175,00 dollars or so in federation funds at my disposal, mostly from my own pocket and devise by the by, but regardless I've had fits trying to give this money a [place and with no help by the way from Larry Posant or the State Affiliate.

  Regardless, if anyone whants this money and this headache and the utter bull of whatis now become the Michigan Affiliate of the NFB MI and the pathetic affiliate thenone might just visit me and I will give him/her the full story and I certainly will give him/her all the mone.

  In te interim, I state this  simply and straightfowardly,. unlike most of the two faced and unnaccountable types in NFB of MI includinging the non-existent orgs and divisions, btw....

  Regardless I quit as Cha[pter President effective this dat of December 3, 2014.

  And, as an aside Mr. Riccabona please look at the books and motives and bs of the Michigan Chapter and so on and so forth.
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