[nfbmi-talk] Fw: MCRS DOCS

David Robinson drob1946 at gmail.com
Thu Jun 4 16:55:37 UTC 2015

----- Original Message ----- 
From: joe harcz Comcast 
To: eleanor canter 
Cc: Darma Canter ; terry Eagle ; David Robinson NFB MI 
Sent: Wednesday, June 03, 2015 11:39 PM
Subject: Fw: MCRS DOCS

----- Original Message ----- 
From: joe harcz Comcast 
To: Marlene Malloy 
Sent: Wednesday, June 03, 2015 11:38 PM
Subject: Re: MCRS DOCS

OMG you aren't going to respond to me because you, personally feel insulted while I've documented and you've seen thousands of PWD violated, abused, discriminated against and other wise "blued screwed and tattooed" by the DSAs, DSUs and by the SRC itself and your person?

Oh and you act so outraged, so outrageous and so utter contemptemtable while I've supplied you with countless specific and systemic violations of rehab act violations including hundreds of civil rights violations alone.

Yet, you defend the "non-disabled" from perceived "prejudice" here while you stand in action in "prejudice" against the very PWD you are paid to serve and to advocate for....Now that Madame is really outrageous "prejudice".

Again, your pleas here  of being discriminated against on the basis of non-disability are pretty weird, and really sort of "nuts", if you will excuse the expression. I'm really pretty flabbergasted by the contention.

Regardless, I thought that the V.R. program and the consumers you are to represent along with, of course the council, and of which you get paid to represent ms. Malloy is supposed to advocate for people with disabilities and not those with no disabilities. Am I mistaken with your charge and mandate? Please correct me if I am wrong.

I didn't know for example that the act you and we and all of us were to enforce and ensure was the "Vocational Rehabilitation Act of 1973 for only those without disabilities."

I didn't know that this was an employment scheme for non-disabled people unable or unwilling to reemployment in any other capacity. Sorry for my mistaken perceptions about the very nature of the RA.

It was an honest mistake.

I didn't know it was all about getting non-disabled folks employment anymore than I thought Title VII was about getting non-disabled folks employment for screwing around with folks with real and profound disabilities.

Sorry, must have got some synapses crossed or something. But, I missed those memos.

I missed the memos where these agencies who suck our blood and talk about our consumer control whilst controlling every aspect about us have the bloody mendacity to actually accuse us, and me of "prejudice" against the non-disabled as you've done.

Sorry, again I missed  that memo.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Marlene Malloy 
  To: joe harcz Comcast 
  Sent: Wednesday, June 03, 2015 6:50 PM
  Subject: Re: MCRS DOCS

  The word insult was not used with regard to your information request, but your assumption that council members and their staff are 'non disabled'. 

  I never expressed an issue with your request for information, but informed you that we received FY 14 DSU data for the annual report that will be available to the public once it is published. I will notify you of the report's availability. Any other DSU data would be available thru the FY 15 State Plan which is available at the RSA website.

  Sent from my iPhone

  On Jun 3, 2015, at 6:37 PM, joe harcz Comcast <joeharcz at comcast.net> wrote:

    Substitute "insult". And one PWD asks for public information that madame isn't an insult it is a fundamental civil right. The only thing insulting about all of this is the chronic and pernisious violations of mmy and other PWD civil rights including the right to timely and accessable information about our affairs!

      ----- Original Message ----- 
      From: Marlene Malloy 
      To: joe harcz Comcast 
      Sent: Wednesday, June 03, 2015 5:10 PM
      Subject: Re: MCRS DOCS

      I have no idea what you are referring to with the word 'impertinent', as it is not used in the email I sent to you. Therefore I will not be responding to your email, as I don't understand the references.

      Sent from my iPhone

      On Jun 3, 2015, at 3:36 PM, joe harcz Comcast <joeharcz at comcast.net> wrote:


        The SRC is supposed to be consumer driven, autonomous, and consumer controlled.

        Consumers and consumer advocates are supposed to have all data, all information and you've seen both DSUs violate this fundamental principle and you've seen major violations of our (people with disabilities) civil rights violated over and over again in documented fashion and you call me pointing this out "impertinent" or the fact that I point out people without disabilities are making decisions about our lives"impertinent"?

        And you act like you are being discriminated against when it is our rights at issue here?

        My Lord, Ms. Malloy what is wrong with this picture please?

        Non-disabled people already have their civil rights in the United States Constitution.

        People with disabilities have their rights purportedly enabled by Section 504 and the ADA none of which are implemented to this day, by the very agencies funded directly under the Rehab Act itself including this SRC, let alone the two DSUs you and the MCRS are to supervise!

        Again I am requesting each and every document submitted to the SRC by BSBP and moreover by MrS as is my civil right under law, and equity.

        In addition it is my civil right as you know to receive said documents in my most accessible format pursuant to Title II, subpart e, effective communications of the ADA alone, let alone 504 and other Rehab Act regulations.

        Bottom line Ms. Malloy is that what you have I have the right to. And if you don't have said documents including all reports relative to implementation of both DSUs state plans then you are not acting in accordance with the obligations of the SRC and you and the SRC is "derelict in its duties" under law.. There is no in between. I cannot help my language as it is precise and meaningful. And we people with disabilities are not some sort of "Oliver Twists" who must beg for this or that piece of paper (and for those of us who are blind in accessible format) over and over again and scrap by scrap.

        If you are offended as you suggest by my comments and as a publicly funded servant of the people imagine how bloody well offended I am and my class of PWD is when the very agencies who are supposed to be a part of our "liberation" are run by serial violators of our fundamental civil rights and then the same perpetrators of discrimination cry foul as you did right here against me for pointing out this very fact!

        I'll have more requests for information in the future and each and every denial of same is an actionable offense Ms. Malloy. 

        Your demeaning tone here is simple not excusable and is indeed actionable in and of itself by the way.

        I am a citizen of the United states of America who happens to be blind. Your agency and all that are related to it must be accountable, and accessible in accordance with law.

        That, Ms. Malloy is not impertinence, but the mere word on your behalf belies your utter contempt to we persons with disabilities, including those of us who are blind.

        Civil rights are not a charity. They are what they are.

        Now, if I'm outraged by your comments or obfuscations here that is my right as you've abused my fundamental civil rights, and more importantly those of tens of thousands with these attitudes and actions.

        Moreover, you are a public servant, paid for with public funds at the public trust and are responsible to we in the public, including we PWD.

        In other words you work for us and not the other way arouhnd. And if this fact, Ms. Malloy, or my outright candor about this fact bothers you then I suggest you get a job in the dreaded private sector and that you stop promoting yourself and the SRC as the "voice of the consumer" whom you apparently so despise.

          ----- Original Message ----- 
          From: Marlene Malloy 
          To: joe harcz Comcast 
          Sent: Wednesday, June 03, 2015 2:38 PM
          Subject: Re: MCRS DOCS

          I indicated that we received the pertinent FY 14 data that will be published in the annual report. We were involved in the state plan development and continue to work with BSBP with regard to the councils recommendations.

          I am not the Council, I offer guidance and direction to the members and they make the decisions that are necessary to achieve their mandates. Your assumptions of specificity of information that the Council must receive is not present within our regs, but a working partnership with the DSUs will usually provide the info the council wants to have to understand each system.

          Please understand that I find your assumption about council members for the most part being non disabled as offensive and prejudiced. If your future emails include insults about my integrity and work performance, I will not tolerate that and you will not receive a response. I believe that you can communicate without attacking people individually. 

          Sent from my iPhone

          On Jun 3, 2015, at 1:59 PM, joe harcz Comcast <joeharcz at comcast.net> wrote:

            Now, wait a minute. You've recived nothing from BSBP other than the power point? You've recieved nothing related to implementation of the state plan, ipe development, standards and indicators or any other reports required by RSA? Nothing?

            What in the world Ms. Malloy you are the SRC and it is supposed to have these documents at a minimum and more.

            If you are "satisfied" with this then you as the ED are derelict in your duties under the provisions of the Rehab Act.

            The SRC is not supposed to be a "rubber stamp"

            This will be sent to RSA and other entities.

            Again if the BSBP has not supplied you with anymore than this it violates multiple provisions of the Rehab Act, and if you don't remit what they've sent to you in full and in toto then you violate multiple provisions of same, let alone other provisions of the Rehab Act, ADA, etc.

            This is simply disgusting Ms. Malloy.

            The public, let alone PWD consumers and advocates have the right to know just who, what, when, where wy and how VR (and IL) dollars are spent and for what purposes.

            There is no and I repeat no accountability, as required by several laws concerning these provisions and that is simply pathetic with a capital "P"., let alone legal violations of several laws once again.

            It appears that the only people being served by these organizations are for the most part non-disabled people getting a job to rumble through inaccessable paper work....Oh is that watermelon color or what?

              ----- Original Message ----- 
              From: Marlene Malloy 
              To: joe harcz Comcast 
              Sent: Wednesday, June 03, 2015 1:43 PM
              Subject: Re: MCRS DOCS

              The data we have received from BSBP has been given through verbal reports, which the membership has been satisfied with. The only written data we have received was for the FY 2014 Annual Report  which is hoped to be published within the next thirty days. 

              Marlene S. Malloy 

              On Jun 3, 2015, at 1:37 PM, joe harcz Comcast <joeharcz at comcast.net> wrote:

                There was more information than that presented and there has been more submitted in the past or sshould have been so.

                That includes RSA 13s, RSA 2s, RSA 15, and all similar documents including all subbmitted to RSA itself.

                What kind of monitorring is the SRC doing of this agency if it has only the "power point" you suggest and not other documents?

                There were also financial docs and BEP reports referanced.

                Lord, this aentity is supposed to have all documents, period. And it is supposed to make them all available to the public at SRC meetings.

                  ----- Original Message ----- 
                  From: Marlene Malloy 
                  To: joe harcz Comcast 
                  Sent: Wednesday, June 03, 2015 1:31 PM
                  Subject: Re: MCRS DOCS

                  Mr. Harcz - my apologies for all the paper rustling at our recent meeting. Our chairs meeting packet materials were quite close to the recording device microphone, we will be sure to be more mindful in the future. The BSBP document provided to the members at the meeting was a PowerPoint prepared for the members by Lisa Kiesel.  The PowerPoint was put on the MCRS website immediately following the meeting and is available to the public in word and PDF format. I encourage to visit our site and peruse the document. Thank you for your interest in the Council.

                  Marlene S. Malloy

                  On Jun 1, 2015, at 7:24 AM, joe harcz Comcast <joeharcz at comcast.net> wrote:

                    Dear Ms. Malloy,

                    I am writing you today to recieve each and every document supplied to MCRS by BSBP and that was used explicitly at the last MCRS meeting.

                    There was a whole lot of paper shuffling going on during the BSBP presentation iand referances to all sorts of documents by Rodgers, Pemble and Kisial that I and others did not have access too.
                    Of course I request them in a timely and accessable format being blind.

                    Simply send them as Word documents.

                    Thank you.

                      ----- Original Message ----- 
                      From: Marlene Malloy 
                      To: joeharcz at comcast.net 
                      Sent: Tuesday, May 19, 2015 9:02 AM
                      Subject: MCRS DOCS

                      The strategic plan and the wioa documents that are being distributed today at the meeting.

                      Marlene S. Malloy

                      Executive Director

                      Michigan Council for Rehabilitation Services

                      3490 Belle Chase Way, Suite 110

                      Lansing, MI 48911

                      517/887.9370, extension 1

                      517/887.9369 - Fax

                      877/335.9370 - Toll Free

                      marlene at mcrs13.org 


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