[nfbmi-talk] FW: NFB's Rideshare testing program

Michael Powell mpowell7583 at yahoo.com
Fri Jul 7 18:39:51 UTC 2017



From: Yingling, Valerie [mailto:Vyingling at nfb.org] 
Sent: Friday, July 07, 2017 11:31 AM
To: gyeager12 at gmail.com; State President, Alaska; megan.homrighausen at yahoo.com; Stigile, Robert; jessica at wefitwellness.com; mvcmelley at gmail.com; State President, Delaware; State President, District of Columbia; State President, Georgia; State President, Hawaii; yiskahugo at u.boisestate.edu; lhamric930 at comcast.net; sblanjones11 at sbcglobal.net; Cindy Ray; State President, Kansas; toniagatton at gmail.com; maryann at jmendez.us; State President, Maine; sbaebler at BISM.org; tyler at tysdomain.com; State President, Minnesota; State President, Mississippi; RobynWallen at Juno.com; President at NAGDU.ORG; kayde.dawn at gmail.com; State President, Nevada; State President, New Hampshire; Ginger at ky2d.com; Tmazick06 at hotmail.com; ajacobs633 at aol.com; State President, North Carolina; sherrybeth7 at gmail.com; deannakay03 at gmail.com; cathytuton at gmail.com; angelmray77 at gmail.com; State President, Pennsylvania; State President, Puerto Rico; State President, Rhode Island; cookcafe at sc.rr.com; fallsnfb at gmail.com; Boehm, Jimmy; lsowell at nfbtx.org; iammarn at yahoo.com; State President, Vermont; valentinoma19 at gmail.com; michaeldforzano at gmail.com; State President, West Virginia; setoth96 at gmail.com; State President, Wyoming; State President, Virginia; Merry Schoch; State President, Michigan; State President, Montana; NAGDU President; State President, Iowa; Gustavo.manzanales at dhs.arkansas.gov; State President, Maryland; shannonldillon at gmail.com
Subject: NFB's Rideshare testing program




If you haven’t yet, please forward the following coupon notice throughout your network. We may have members and testing participants who have not yet signed up with Lyft. 

Lyft and NFB – Coupon Discount Code For New Users <https://www.lyft.com/invited/nfb17> 

We are pleased to announce that Lyft is offering a promotional discount to new users who are National Federation of the Blind members. New Lyft users enter their phone number at this link https://www.lyft.com/invited/nfb17; then they receive a download link for the Lyft app with our promo code pre-populated. Lyft will donate ten dollars to NFB for each new user who signs up with this promotional code.




Valerie Yingling

Legal Program Coordinator

200 East Wells Street, Baltimore, MD 21230

(410) 659-9314, extension 2440 | vyingling at nfb.org 



 <https://nfb.org/> National Federation of the Blind


                          <http://www.facebook.com/nationalfederationoftheblind> Facebook     <https://twitter.com/NFB_Voice> Twitter     <https://www.youtube.com/NationsBlind> Youtube


The National Federation of the Blind is a community of members and friends who believe in the hopes and dreams of the nation’s blind. Every day we work together to help blind people live the lives they want. 


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