[NFBMI-Talk] FYI: "Google Meet Launches New Accessibility Features"

Kane Brolin kbrolin65 at gmail.com
Sat Sep 3 20:29:34 UTC 2022

"Google Meet users will soon find that their space button will now
double as a mute toggle in Google Meet’s latest update. Google
announced through their own blog that Google Meet would receive a new
suite of updates now that the popular video conferencing service has
now hit web devices.

"How useful will this feature be for users?
This will be useful for users who join video calls with the mute on by
default and those who regularly forget to mute their microphones after
they’re done speaking.

"Are the new features on by default?
You will need to be sure that you turn these on in their settings to
enable the toggles."

Kind regards,


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