[Nfbmo] Medicaid "transformation" bill to be introduced; Medicaid Expansion bill to be heard

Bryan Schulz b.schulz at sbcglobal.net
Fri Feb 22 17:03:06 UTC 2013


i tried to read the bill text and it is very confusing when many lines tell 
you to go read something else.
if you are going to send this stuff, you need to give a short explanation of 
what is changing or how it affects us.
Bryan Schulz

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "McMahon, Cory J" <cory.j.mcmahon at gmail.com>
To: "McMahon, Cory J" <cory.j.mcmahon at gmail.com>
Sent: Friday, February 22, 2013 6:23 AM
Subject: [Nfbmo] Medicaid "transformation" bill to be introduced;Medicaid 
Expansion bill to be heard

> Dear all,
> On Wednesday, I had the opportunity to attend a hearing of  the House
> Appropriations committee on Health, Mental Health, and Social Services, 
> and
> I learned in that hearing that a Medicaid "transformation" bill will be
> introduced by Representative Sue Allen, the Chair of the House
> Appropriations committee on Health, Mental Health, and Social Services.
> Representative Allen did not give many specifics on the bill that she 
> plans
> to introduce; however, did indicate that "pilot" programs would be 
> included.
> I will provide more information as I receive it, and will send a link to
> Representative Allen's bill once it is introduced.
> Please also be advised that HB 627, regarding Medicaid Expansion, will be
> heard next week in the House committee on Government Oversight and
> Accountability; the hearing will begin Monday, February 25, 2013, at 12:00
> PM, and will be conducted in HR (Hearing Room) 7(HB 627 is the second bill
> expected to be heard in committee Monday).
> Please see a link to HB 627 below (in short, it would change the
> requirements for eligibility under the MoHealthNet program; it's sponsored
> by House Democratic Leader Jacob Hummel, and co-sponsored by 
> Representative
> Jeanne Kirkton):
> http://www.house.mo.gov/billsummary.aspx?bill=HB627
> If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
> Sincerely,
> Cory McMahon
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