[NFBMO] I am in a real bind - Please help

escoulter at centurytel.net escoulter at centurytel.net
Wed Mar 14 20:05:13 UTC 2018

I was going to talk with the hotel today to finalize our menus  but
after talking with the State Treasurer I find that only about half of us
have registered for convention and purchased meals.  When the hotel asks
me how many of each meal I cannot fib or exaggerate  as when I make the
final guarantee  and the number turns out to be lower our credibility
and our hotel credit rating will go down the tubes.

The hotel has standard catering prices which we never pay as we
negotiate lower provided we have the numbers to do so. For example, this
year  if I cannot negotiate down the prices the affiliate  will either
pay $20 for our lunches or we will get a very scant lunch both days.

So, please  register and buy your meals today!!!! www.nfbmo.org

Gene Coulter

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