[Nfbmt] Media Committee

James Aldrich jkaldrich at samobile.net
Wed Dec 4 16:29:04 UTC 2013

From:Danielsen, ChrisTo:jkaldrich at samobile.netSubject:Social Media Committee

Dear Fellow Federationists:

Dr. Maurer plans to appoint a special committee to enhance the social 
media presence of the National Federation of the Blind on Twitter, 
Facebook, and other social media platforms. If you would like to 
recommend an individual from your affiliate for this committee, please 
send the name and contact information for the individual to me. An 
ideal candidate for this committee will be an individual who is active 
on and enthusiastic about social media, and preferably one who has a 
fairly large number of friends or followers on one or more social media 
platforms, especially Twitter and Facebook.

Dr. Maurer would like to appoint committees by the end of the year, so 
I would appreciate your providing recommendations to me no later than 
close of business on Friday, December 6. Please don’t hesitate to let 
me know if you have any questions about this new effort.


Chris Danielsen, Director of Public Relations

Christopher S. Danielsen, J.D.

Director of Public Relations

National Federation of the Blind

200 East Wells Street

Baltimore, MD 21230

Office: (410) 659-9314, extension 2330

Mobile: (410) 262-1281

E-mail: cdanielsen at nfb.org


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