[Nfbmt] National Federation of the Blind Thanks Governor O’Malley

James Aldrich jkaldrich at samobile.net
Thu Jan 23 19:45:00 UTC 2014

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President, New HampshireState President, New MexicoState President, 
OklahomaState President, RhodeUtah <baconev at yahoo.com>, State 
President, KansasSubject:National Federation of the Blind Thanks 
Governor O’Malley


 Chris Danielsen
 Director of Public Relations
 National Federation of the Blind
 (410) 659-9314, extension 2330
 (410) 262-1281 (Cell)
cdanielsen at nfb.org

 National Federation of the Blind Thanks Governor O’Malley

Urges Maryland General Assembly to Approve Appropriation
 for Center of Excellence in Nonvisual Access

Baltimore, Maryland (January 23, 2014):The National Federation of the 
Blind (NFB), the nation’s leading advocate for nonvisual access to 
electronic technology and information by the blind, today thanked 
Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley for proposing that the state grant 
the NFB $250,000 for Fiscal Year 2015.  The funds will help the NFB to 
establish the Center of Excellence in Nonvisual Access to Commerce, 
Public Information, and Education (CENA).  The CENA will serve as a 
resource for businesses, government entities, and educational 
institutions wishing to make their products, services, and information 
fully accessible to blind people in Maryland and beyond.  The 
Federation also thanked Maryland Senator Bill Ferguson and Maryland 
Delegates Luke Clippinger, Peter Hammen, and Brian McHale for 
supporting equal access to information and technology for blind people 
in Maryland and across the nation.

Dr. Marc Maurer, President of the National Federation of the Blind, 
said: “We appreciate the continued support of Governor O’Malley and 
commend him for his commitment to advancing our critical mission to 
improve access to information and technology by the blind.  In the 
twenty-first century, electronic information and technology are an 
integral part of everyday life, and the blind cannot succeed unless we 
have full nonvisual access to the same products, services, and 
information as our sighted peers.  The Center of Excellence will help 
blind people in Maryland and across the nation to obtain this access, 
while making Maryland the hub of innovation in nonvisual accessibility 
for the entire country.  We therefore urge the Maryland General 
Assembly to include the governor’s request for funding of this new 
resource in its final budget.”


About the National Federation of the Blind

The National Federation of the Blind (NFB) is the oldest, largest, and 
most influential nationwide membership organization of blind people in 
the United States. Founded in 1940, the NFB advocates for the civil 
rights and equality of blind Americans, and develops innovative 
education, technology, and training programs to provide the blind and 
those who are losing vision with the tools they need to become 
independent and successful.

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